Hey! That is a great piece of news for those single and cash strapped men who cannot afford to fork out a lump sum of 8K for a Vietnamese bride. You don't have to save enough to marry now. You can marry now by paying only S$167.00 a month and furthermore it is interest free!!!! Cheap ! Cheap!
Times are bad and those match making agencies need to survive. This is an ingenious and creative way to help those poor guys to find a soul mate and for them to make some profits.
Is it morally and ethically wrong ?
Women are not commodities and should not be treated as such . But if it helps the men to settle down and ease their burdens, it should not be morally and ethically wrong.
This is a new concept and should be encourage. Who are we to judge them ? For those who could not afford the 8K , it is a Heaven send gift. It is not that they are poor but it takes time to accumulate 8K .
What if you cannot pay your monthly dues to Diners?
They won't take back your wife and that is the good part of this deal. Diners will sue you and your name will be in the black list.
It is the latest marketing tactic by matchmaking agency Vietnam Brides International
Diners club is a charge card and not a credit card in Malaysia. They will give you 55 days of interest free for your purchases if you buy on the 1st of every month.
Other credit cards only give you 20 days and that is on condition if you settle your last month's bill. Then if you pay your Diners card through Maybank or Ambank , you get another 20 days of interest free!!!! That's a total or 75 days of free interest days!
Want to marry? No problems! You got to thanks Diners card and Vietnam Brides International .
Whats your opinion?
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Get a wife for S$167.00 a month - Charge it to your Diners card !
Sperm dancing.
Many teens are sexually active but their knowledge of safe sex is woefully inadequate. They may have limited or misguided knowledge about conceptions. How not to get pregnant and what are the contraceptive methods .
After they had sex, they will only start to worry to death if they will get pregnant or when they miss their periods.They get all kinds of advises and they do not know which one is true or not.
The sperm can live inside a body from three to seven days. The most fertile period for a woman is three days before and after her first day of period. To be on a safer side, one should abstain from sex seven days before and after her first day of period. They should use condoms if they want to have sex within that period.
It only take one sperm to fertilize an egg. One discharge may consist of between 250 to 350 million sperms. Even if there is no penetration ,if the sperm comes into contact with your vagina through your hands or orally, it can swim inside of you and fertilize the egg. It can even penetrate through your panties .The risk of pregnancy is very low but it can happen if you are very unlucky ,
The sperm may not survive long outside the body . It depends on the humidity of the room . If it is hot , the liquid may evaporate faster and it will die in a few minutes.If the room is cold and wet, it may survive for about an hour or more.
No contraceptive method is 100% safe and there are instances when a girl is on the pill but can still get pregnant. It is rather rare but do happens. You can even get pregnant during your period. You may ask ,'How can ? '
It did occur to some girls .There are in fact no safe days. If you don't want to get pregnant, you should take the pill or after morning pill after sex within 72 hours( the earlier the better)or use condoms which can also prevent the spread of STD's.
When the men is aroused and excited, the penis can secrete pre ejaculation fluid and they contained some amount of sperms and lubricants. You can still get pregnant if you use the withdrawal method.
Some teens thought that after having unprotected sex, they cannot get pregnant by washing their private parts or douching, drink plenty of water and pee a lot.Some think that by jumping up and down and exercising or 'sperm dancing', the sperms will fall out from their bodies.
As parents, we should teach our children about contraception's and how to prevent pregnancy and STD's. In school , they may learn only the physiological aspects but not the morality of sex.
It is better to arm them with the right knowledge because you cannot stop them from having pre marital sex. No matter how good your intentions are, those youngster with raging hormones will not listen to you about abstinence .
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monsters-in-laws from hell.
Mothers -in- laws (MIL )is the chief causes of divorce. There are good , bad and ugly MIL's but those ugly MIL's are more prevalent in our society.
No matter how good or kind those MIL's are, no two women can live in the same house. A ship cannot have two captains. A man cannot have two women in his heart or home. He will either choose one or the other. If he is married, he would be wise to choose his wife.
If he still favours his mother , he is considered a child husband for he still has those apron strings tied to his mother. A man's viewpoints maybe different from a woman .His continue loyalty to his mother can be a cause of friction with his wife.
A good MIL will not interfere in their marriage but will only give them support and understandings. A bad MIL will want to seek control of them and want them to follow her ways.
The world has changed and the new generations have their own ways of doing things. A wise MIL would allow them to make their own mistakes and learn by themselves.
In the Bible, it says that you should leave your parents when you get married. I believe this is the best solution if you do not want to have MIL's problems. You should not stay under the same roof.You do not want her to influence her son or to control your marriage.You should be allowed to make the decisions that will affect your life. Your MIL's should never interfere and force you to follow her ways.
If you cannot afford to live on your own and need to stay with the MIL , God help you ! You would be sleeping on a bed of nails and walking on eggshells every day.
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Your most passionate sexual ages ?
Love and sex is the glue that binds our marriage. A marriage that has plenty of love but no sex may still survive but it is not as fulfilling as having both. A marriage that is based on sex alone without love will not last.
When is your best passionate sexual decade can only be told by those who have lived through the ages. Everyone is unique and may not share the same perspective.
When you are in your teens , you think like a teen , when you are in your 20's ,30's 40's ,50's ,60's ,you will think differently and have a different perspective of life.
Women may be physically matured at the age of 16 or 17 and where most can vie to be beauty queens.However their mental maturity is slower and they are still teens .
With their physical peak and surplus energies ,they may engage actively in sex and boink like rabbits.It is the age where they want to find out all about sex .
It is a matter of practice and the techniques and skills would follow afterwards.
They maybe good in the physical aspects of love making but lack the depth of emotional and mental stimulation's of love and caring which their young and inexperience partners cannot provide.
They may have little knowledge or information or are inhabited with the wrong ideas or concepts about sex. Most of those young men do not understand about woman's sexualities and they are rather selfish and only wanted to satisfy themselves.
During the 30's and 40's when it is the age of having kids, raising them and hectic work schedules, sex is put on the back burners. Sex becomes a duty and a chore for her .For she is too tired and does not have the the mental inclinations to enjoy it.
For some women , her sexual peak is around 35 when she is neither too young or too old and she is more matured and experience .She would have shed most of her inhibitions or hangups about sex and will be able to know what she wants and enjoys.
The best sexual era is when you are in your 20's and in your 50's where you are free of those responsibilities of a married life. The earlier one will feel the physical satisfaction while the latter one will feel the emotional satisfactions.
Sex can only improve with age and practice and where there is love, sex will be beautiful and the elixir of life.
Reference and thanks to :-
Will you be a cougar ?
A cougar is a term to denote an older women who dates a younger and energetic man who could be her son's age.The term originated in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a older women who would go to bars and go home with whoever was left at the end of the night. She is a predatory woman who hunts for those young men to invigorate their sexual vitality and prowess.
Madonna, Demi Moore and Halle Berry are leading the way with those younger 'cubs.'Those women are at their peak, financially stable and mentally independent and what else can perk up their life except a younger, virile and handsome male.They would make the perfect match for those alpha women.
The conventional couple is an older men dating a younger women or someone who could be their daughter's age. This used to be the prerogative of the males but no more.
Women of today have attained the same status as men and the playing field has been leveled. Older women find younger men are more appealing to them than men of their same age while men of the same age are looking for younger women.
With such a scenario, women who seek men of their same age will find them a rarity or extinct like those dinosaurs. Either they will grow old and lonely or live to the new challenge that is thrown their way.
The new world order has set new precedences with the cougars going after the cubs . It is much easier to handle a cub and teach him all those tricks . The young cub is no match for those experience cougars.
Women of today do not have to evaluate whether a man is a good provider or not or need to take care of them. They hold the new found power in their hands. Those who discover this secret will get to fulfill their life's.
Middle age women are hotter than middle age men. If they take care of their appearances, they can be sexy , attractive and in control of their life and situation. If they are married to an older men , the men may control their destinies.
What about the age differences?
Some couples can communicate and get along with each other very well.It is their love for each other which makes the world go round. They have youth , experience,financial stability and the maturity to cope with all the problems in life.
A woman is never old,, she only ages like very fine wine.
Reference and thanks to :-
Forbidden feelings - To love somebody .
Those words and feelings are stuck at your throat or inside your heart. You do not know if it is better to swallow it back or to throw them out. It is a big dilemma.
You have a crush on your friend and it is crushing you and each day the weight becomes more and more unbearable. You cannot eat and sleep well and it affects your peace and tranquility.
To love somebody in secret or from a far distance can be painful and pathetic.
What can you do?
It can be shameful, heartbreaking and sad when our love is not accepted. We could feel contemptible and ridiculed for having those thoughts. Perhaps even being scorned for secretly admiring and loving someone who do not even know that we existed.
You have a crush on a friend and not telling him/her can build up tremendous pressures inside of you . Your head is spinning and your heart is swirling to the whirlpool that has been created. On and on , it spins faster and faster and there seems no way you can get out from those strong swirling currents .
To tell and risk rejections and end of your dreams or keep those sweet feelings under wrap tightly and shut?
The story may end with a ' happily ever after 'or could send you to a place where hell freezes over.
The moment may have arrived for you to declare your feelings to him/her and if you did not ,the opportunity may not strike again . S/he could be gone from your world as you dither and only toyed with that idea in your mind. The fear of rejection is too strong and it paralyzed your thoughts.
You will need to learn to overcome those fears of rejections and boldly tell him/her what is in your heart. You will need to find an answer to your question quickly rather than let yourself be stuck in a timeless black hole in space.
It would be better to know if there is a realistic chance of you getting together with him/her or not and if it is then you can either move on with your life or start to build your life together.
The journey of a 1000 miles begin with the first step. If you cannot take the first step, then you might as well forget about her/him.
Think with your head and not your heart. If she/he rejects you , treat it like water off a duck's back.After a few rejections , your hide will get thicker and you will one day succeed by finding the right one for you.
All men have faced rejections one way or the other and it is a part of life.You need to take your chances. If you have never tried, how would you know the results?
Related topic :-
Monday, May 25, 2009
Would you marry a divorcee with children?
"Buy one ! Free one !
Buy one second hand car , get one,two or three scooters FOC !
Marry a divorcee with children and get an instant family thrown in. The divorcee comes with a baggage and you will have to accept the whole package . You cannot pick and choose what you want.
When love is in the air, nothing else matters. You just want to be together, share and enjoy each other.When there is love, everything can 'kautim.'(No problemo).
The problem only surfaces when the honeymoon period is over and you get a big headache and wonder why you got into this kind of situation.
Initially, you may have some problems with the kids who may not take a liking to you for replacing their father or mother's place in their hearts. It will require some cajoling, threats and bribery to win them over to your sides.
You would also have to deal with their ex's because of the children who come and go between their divorced parents. For the females,there is the fear that he may want to return back to his ex wife.
His ex wife could make his life unbearable by limiting or cutting off access to the kids. It can be a hassle if he has to resort to the courts.
Having an instant family can strain your financial resources to the limit if you are not wealthy enough to support them .If you are not strong financially , you should not get involved with her .
Your love boat will not go far and you will fight daily and the boat will sink midway. The same mistakes you made in the first marriage will come back to haunt you.
A female divorcee may accept any man as a stop gap measure when she is drowning in her sorrows and financial constraints.She does not have much of a choice.She is no more on two salaries and everything has to be downgraded.
Half is better than none.She is like a drowning person clutching at straws. Life can be very tough for her.She may have to give up all those luxuries of life to lead a simpler life.
If she has the ability to support herself and children , it can be quite stressful as a single parent but she will manage it somehow. Being close to their parents can help elevate their hardships.The grandparents can help to take care of her kids while she works.
If you love the divorcee, you will have to love the child too or it will be a thorn in your marriage .There are sometimes cases where the women loves the men but close an eye to the sufferings of her child .Those men abuse their children and sometimes end in death. It is a tragedy when that happens.
This post was written after reading Lisalicious post in her blog .
Will you be able to accept a divorcee with kids?
I pine for a man I can't have.
Oh! For the love of this great looking and witty soul ,I cannot stop thinking and dream of him always. He has stolen my heart and I think he has etched his name on it and my heart now only belongs to him and no other.
My heart and body tingles excitedly at the very thought of your name . Those kisses still lingers softly on my lips and those wonderful and pleasing words are singing and dancing melodiously in my heart.
Everywhere I go ,I see his face among the crowds .He beckons to me and calls out my name.Every breath I take, I can feel his presence. I am so breathless and my heart is aching and longing to be in his arms again .
Time stood still. My heart pines for you and will be in body,spirit and soul with you till eternity comes.
We see something beautiful and want to possess it.It is like the frog in the well being in love with the moon.The frog can see the moon's reflections on the water and have beautiful and loving dreams.
You can dream and fantasize about someone but you should know what is reality and fantasy. A married man has lots of baggage and he cannot be free like a single unmarried man.
When you see him from far, it is always beautiful and lovely and you worship and put him on a pedestal ,like a golden statue of God . When he comes near, you see he has got feet of clay and a mortal being.
Related topic:-
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Why men leave women ?
Parting is such sweet sorrow. No one wants to leave if they are contented and happy.
Why did Tom Cruise leave Nicole Kidman for Penelope, and Brad Pitt leaving Jennifer Aniston for Angelina?
Are they not very gorgeous alpha females? What does Penelope and Angelina have that Nicole and Jennifer lacked?
For the ordinary plain Jane's, what is it that keeps the men from leaving them ? Can her beauty alone stop him from leaving her? She will definitely need more than just her beauty to make him stay with her.Even 30 year's old marriages may break up. So what went wrong ? It could probably be another younger women in his life.
In a family , it is usually the women who runs the show. The men could be just the breadwinner and help her out a bit. He is incomplete without her.He does not do much household chores but the little he did , he would want to announced to the whole world and want lots of compliments and hugs from his wife.
A wise women would subtly let her man think that he is running the show. She acts in such a way that she is appearing to be subservient to him while unbeknown to him , she is controlling the events in their life.
If she bosses him around,it would show up his dependency upon her . He was brought up to believe that the man is the head of the household. There is a conflict of interest and he feels he cannot measure up to her .He will begin to think ,"Why did he get into such a state of affairs?"
She is too good or too much for him and whatever he does will not satisfy her.He may get loads of criticisms and complaints daily and replayed again and again like a broken down DVD player.Nag ,nag and more naggings from her. How can he feel good about being with her when he is treated that way ?
He feels inadequate, unappreciated and devalued in his eyes. He wants to be the King in his own castle but the Queen is all too powerful.Her wants and needs are insatiable and her insecurities are driving him insane.
I have personally witnessed this loving couple who stayed together . She is always appreciative of her husband's sacrifices, understands him and seldom complaints.She works hard to supplement their incomes and seldom criticize him for his faults.
Even though they were just average income earners , she did not ask for any luxuries and live a simple life helping and serving her husband. The husband is a very lucky man to have such a wife.
The main reasons why men leave is because they cannot get what they wanted from their marriage. They are being put down,taken for granted,not understood,not appreciated, unloved ,no respect,no compassion's, too controlling,too restrictive,incessant demands, no sex or unsatisfactory sex,wife have changed,no more spark,no passions, aggressive like man.. etc.
If the men leave, it is not because you have failed in your duties but the men are expecting too much from you too.They have too high hopes , dreams and fantasy's and they get bored with one woman.
How long would you wait before you have sex ?
There are those who believed in premarital sex and those who don't. Today , many are involved in premarital sex and it is the norm except for those deeply religious type who abstains from premarital sex. Finding a virgin these days maybe like looking for a needle in a haystack...LOL!
It depends on who you are , where you are and your attitude and perspective on sex. Some may do it on the first date while others on the 3rd or 5th or 6th date or only in marriage.
There are the pro's and the con's about having sex too fast or too slow. No two persons are the same and the results maybe different in each case.You need to remember that men and women are not the same and they do not think alike.What is on your mind may not be the same as on his mind.
You may see it from your feminine perspectives but he being a masculine cannot see yours.You need to verbalize it together and get each others point of views to really understand why he does not act the way he should according to your perceptions of him.
If you are into casual sex, then it does not matter to you about the timing ,because you will follow your instincts and intuitions about sleeping with that guy. It could be a one night stand or a long affair which can lead to a serious relationship.
If you like him a lot and he does the same , then love may blossoms and you will find yourself attracted to him.
One thing will let to another and ending up in bed together becomes a natural progression.
When love is in the air, everything becomes so beautiful. Some girls will melt and yield to the seductive forces employed by those dudes. When she falls in love with him , she is like a speeding train with no brakes.
If he knows how to press her right buttons, she will be his for his takings. That is why those Casanova's who are very skillful in the art of seductions will get their victims.
They have the gift of the gab , the time and the manners to impress their victims. Being handsome maybe an added bonus but it is not very important.
As long as you can feel his love and commitment to you in your relationship, be it earlier or later ,sleeping with him would have less risk and pain. Otherwise, you would feel cheap , used and dirty for sleeping with that scoundrel who will disappear from your life.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Crazy woman as furious as Hell.....
"Dare to take it up , dare to put it down !"
That is what people say when you dare to have an affair but dare not admit to it.
What a coward! You want to do your funny business behind your wife's back but dare not own up to it.
If you had given much thought and depth to that siren you would not have hurt your wife and children and put them through those mental tortures .It is always sweet at first but the aftermath can be very bitter and putrid. It stinks to high Heaven!
Sometimes , it is not just the man's fault alone. The women too may have contributed to his problems.
Some Women cannot see their own mistakes and is not aware that she is partly at fault or contributed to his problems.A camel cannot see his own humps.
She see's herself as an angel and have been wronged. It takes two hands to clap to make a sound.
Now the chicken has come back to roost and you are going to pay for your sins.
She was very brave to go to her lover's house and confronted him. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned! She went like a hurricane and caused a big havoc in his house and he shivered like a scared mouse hiding in his hole.
What a shame! The man did not meet her straight on and discussed the issue together in this three sided affair. He should be man enough to own up to his doings.
They should find a solution to that tangled mess and take the bitter medicine.
Luckily for him , his wife stood by him and did not divorce him. She thought more of her children's welfare than her own .
She was unselfish and decided to tough it out. Yeah! She is the old fashion type who would not give up her marriage that easily come rain or shine.
Young woman , grow up and be smarter. Don't get cheated by those sly old man who promised you Heaven and Earth.They are only using you for their own ends and nothing more.
I hope, there won't be any strange woman who come a knocking on your doors in the middle of the night.She could be the devil in disguise ...LOL!
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She felt she was a man trapped in a woman's body.
She had it all, sexy curves, long blond hair and a gorgeous figure. Many women would be envious of her exquisite beauty and she was in great demand as a model.
But beneath those flawless exterior , lives another person . She felt she was a man trapped in a girl's body.
The urge to be her real self and who she was manifested and she surrendered to those callings.
She went to a gender expert and was confirmed a transsexual or a transgendered.
She got weary of fighting against those waves of emotional, psychological and mental onslaughts in her mind and body and succumbed to it.
Her resistance finally crumbled and she finally showed her true colours of her sexuality.
The 31 year's old decided to take the plunge and at last found the peace and transquility in her heart.
It was the only right decision which made her felt like a complete person.
Now she can be who he is .There will be no more hypocrisy and pretensions of who she is. Thus began his life as a man in the new world.
As the reconstruction of the social engineering of her body from a female to a male, her outlook began to change. He began to like men more than women.
She had to remove her 32C boobs and self inject the male hormones , testosterone for all her life .She underwent the sex change operations ,a phalloplasty and had a hysterectomy.
From a very beautiful girl into a handsome man but her eyebrows are feminine looking instead of masculine.Perhaps, old habits die hard.
Sometimes,the transsexuals maybe confused and can alternate between being a male and female when certain occasion arises.
Some of them may become straight again some where down the road and chose to revert back to their original sex.
Whatever they are, they will have no regrets and will live life to the fullest.
Reference and thanks to :-
School girl cum high class hooker!
These days everything is possible and with girls out of their parental controls, are doing what the adults are doing.The age of sex is going lower and lower .
She is one hell of a smart kid who learned the fast way about the lessons in life.
What was her motive in getting involved in this sleazy business ?
Perhaps she came from that kind of background and to her it was just normal and part and parcel of life.
While many were doing it for free with their boyfriends or men in general , she was raking in the money
and would have been very rich if not for that teacher and the police who investigated the child and discovered her nefarious activities on the weekends. Even her parents were unaware of her illicit activities.
She did not splash all of those illegal money about her but kept most of them in the loft and her parents did not suspect anything was amiss.
Who can blame her for what she was doing?
She is only 15 and already too wise and matured for her age. During the week days she is an innocent and straight student but during the weekends her life becomes electrified.
She works for a social escort agency which is another name for prostitution. She went to those hotels to meet up with those men and have sex with them.
We are not sure if she was coerced or groomed for that job. There are syndicates which trapped such young girls to prostitute for them
How did she come to be involved with this sordid business?
Surely she did not discover it herself but probably had a friend who introduced her to this lucrative job. For her kind was in great demand in the market. In two months she netted a cool £14K.
The authorities have confiscated the money and we don't know if it is the rightful thing to do. She did not steal those money but was involved in a trade.
You could call it prostitution but it was a deal between two willing parties and it should not be against the law.
I think it is a disgrace for the government to take her money after all she earned it . Her parents should engage a counsel to sue for her rights.
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Women who don't want children. ..weird or not ?
Either by choice or by circumstances , some women will never be mothers in their life on this Earth.
There are some who craved for a child but are barren and cannot conceive. Some have tried the IVF method and is blessed with twins or triplets.For many childless couples, this is the last resort to have conception.
There are some who wanted to have babies but cannot find any right men as their partners. Some became lesbians and inseminated themselves with donated sperms
There is a 66 year old who became a mother recently .Did she suddenly discovered the mysteries of life ?
Some sane and healthy working women have chosen not to have children.
It is their choice but why do they do that ?
Isn't motherhood and children will make us a complete woman and allow us to find fulfillment ?
Without children , you will grow old alone and will never understand what is it like being a mother and a grandmother .
Do you have a purpose and meaning in life if you cannot experience motherhood ?
You may adopt others but the reality is , they are not the same or as good as having giving birth to your own . You carried him for nine months inside your body .
How can one think of not wanting to be a mother when it is the natural process which God created us for the preservation of mankind?
Women who chose not to have children may have mental roadblocks . They may fear the pain of childbirth or heard of stillborn children.Some of them may think , having children can be a drawback in their careers. They cannot focused on their careers .
Children can be a distraction and an encumbrance and they may feel that they are not made to be good mothers.
Unless you are married and have children , your maturity will forever be on a plateau. Those unmarried ,middle age and childless women will appear to be less mature than those married mothers.
If you have never been a mother, you will never know what is it like being a mother and you would not understand why your mother treated you that way.
We think that the single middle age women without a child would make much headway in the office but a new research found that bosses distrust those women who do not want children. They think it is weird for a women not to have children.
Mothers are more normal and bring a sense of humanity to the work place. Though there are drawbacks to working mothers, the overall picture is, they are more trustworthy and reliable than those single women.
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Are men more intelligent than women ?
Whatever new research which shows that men are smarter than women ,we should take it with a grain of salt.Those I.Q test, designed by men are gender biased and cannot accurately decide whether men are smarter and more intelligent than women. It is skewed towards those men .
Though men and women grow up side by side, yet women face many discrimination's and unfair practices in the patriarchal society. Bearing this in mind, the different stereotype gender roles were assigned to each sex.
When she grows out of her teens ,she began to have maternal thoughts of children and emotional attachment to partners. Women had to develop housekeeping or social responsibilities,while the men were freed from this activities.
The preoccupations with her social responsibilities of being a female caused her to divert her limited resources from focusing on any solitary project in any given special field. That is why we see most of those men excel in certain specialized fields .
It is quite a funny thing that most of those researches are carried out by the men and not by women . Seldom do we find researches that are done by women.
Are the men under threat and must do research often to prove that they are smarter than women?
Maybe, the women already knew the answer a long time ago or could not be bothered with that fact.
Let them believe that they are smarter.
Men are more logical , rational and saner than women because they are simple and uncomplicated like women. . Many men can attest to that. Women do not use logic but more of their intuitions when they try to solve problems. Blame it on their hormones or PMS....LOL!
Men may have higher I.Q's than women but women know that they can control the men by twinning them around her little fingers. Having higher I'Q does not mean that one is smarter or cleverer.
Look at the present enrollments in the higher institutions of learning . There is almost 60% to 70% of the under graduates are females in many parts of the world. This growing trend can be disturbing as they would be an imbalance
The females are excelling in the same fields as the men and are even better than the males by being the top of the class. Given the same conditions , the female intelligence is on par with the male or sometimes better.
Men and women are different and we may have different skills and some similar skills which can complement each other.
What is intelligence anyway?
Reference and thanks to :-
Monday, May 18, 2009
What is she thinking about during sex?
Her body is there but her mind is elsewhere. You will know when you look into her face ,eyes and her body language .
How many men open or close their eyes when they have sex ?They are so busy boinking away and feeling like they are in Heaven.
Some men have eyes but they don't see . They are blind like those night owls and they don't give a damned whether they are sleeping with some cold corpse or a living thing.
What they want is to quickly shoot their load and get over with it. It is their base and animal instincts which comes to the fore.
His brain is switched off and he turns into an animal. He becomes another person totally, the strange being that comes out from his dark side.
The journey to sexual pleasure is littered with potholes. To have sexual bliss is almost impossible . Too many disturbing thoughts goes through her mind while she is in the act of sex.
How can she enjoy sex when her mind is not fully in it? There is no passion and the sex is just tepid or bland.
Those men will need to have telepathic powers to read what is going on in her mind. Many thoughts goes through her mind. She could be thinking of many things which are unrelated to sex .
Her mind cannot relax and she will be continuously distracted from concentrating on the job.
She could be thinking and worrying about the kids,if the door is locked, making too much noise, her job problems,unpaid bills, what to eat , things to buy or what to do tomorrow.. etc." Why don't he quickly cum and finish the job,because I want to go to sleep."
Other women could be thinking or fantasizing making love to their ex's or their fav actors or singers or that handsome hunk down the road.
Then, there are others who cannot think and their minds are just blank and lie down like a corpse and want to quickly finish it by faking orgasms like some zombies.
They treat it like a chore or duty . Their men could be boring ,selfish and stingy in their love and attentions. They deserve what they get.
The men should invest more time and effort to woo their partners if they want to enjoy sex together and the women should not think of anything else during sex except sex itself.
Unfortunately , many men stopped their wooing after they got married and take her for granted.
Related topics :-
What happened to her brain, her life, her ambitions, her dreams ?
When you first set out into the world, after you have graduated from the university ,you will have high ideals about your plans and dreams of how you want to live your life.
Being better educated than their mothers, they would like to improve on their mother's lifestyle.
Many would not want to follow in their mother's footsteps. Even their mothers do not want their daughters to follow theirs.
Each of us have aspirations and plans
for our future.
We want to get married ,have children, a wonderful husband , a beautiful home , a promising career and those are the things we want to seek in our life .We want to have it all , combining motherhood and a successful career.
We hurled headlong into the fray in search of our dreams but those lofty ideals are no where in sight. Some could not even touch the first base .Many may dream until their hair turns white.
Only a few will get to realize their dreams , while the majority will find their ideals out of their reach.
What we get is a jumble and a mix and match of all those dreams. We muddle through our life as best as we can , children , husband, career and home.
The arrangement may not be the most ideal but as working mothers and breadwinners, what more can women they do ?
The most idealistic situation would be to revert back to the traditional gender roles and this is where women would find their fulfillment as a wife and a mother .
Some women have given up their promising careers to be full time house wife when their children are young.
The children are more important than their careers. This is the time when you will experience only once in your life time and see your children growing up.
You share in their joys and pains of growing up. It is an experience where no amount of money can buy.
This opportunity only happens once in your life time.That is what makes life more interesting and worthy of living.
They may have to downgrade their lifestyles but they will find their life's is more enriching and enjoyable. They will have more time , more fun and are more relax .
When you are on the fast lane , everything just passes you by and by the time you realize what you are doing , you would have lost the purpose and meaning of life. You are just another clog in the big machine and nothing more.
Your children will grow up and leave the nest and fly far away and your husband is like a stranger to you and would probably have a secret family behind your back.
Women may have won more freedom and liberation's but this freedom comes at a price . They cannot be at two places at the same time.
The trouble with today's working women, two-thirds of females said they worked out of necessity and not by choice.
What happened to her brain, her life, her ambitions, her dreams ?
If she continues on the same path in her career, she may find emptiness and no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
What is the meaning of life ?
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
If you are rich , I am your bitch!
Guys go for looks while girls look for security.Girls want to marry rich guys who can provide them a good life.
The female of the species would want a good home, a good life and a good husband. Whether she will find this man or not will depends on her destiny.
When she is young , she will love anyone who will love her.As she gets more matured, she will not simply love anyone for love's sake. She knows that love cannot survive on just bread and water alone.
In this age, some girls would look for the 5 C's, Car, Condo, Cash, Card and Country club. This is a materialistic world.
If you have the 5 C's , you will attract the most beautiful girls and if you do not , then they are out of your league.
In the olden days , their parents would match make them to those scions of the rich and famous.
Ever since then ,the females would be on the look out for the best men they can lay their hands on.
Even in the animal kingdom, the females of some species will only follow the males if they are strong and can protect and provide for them
They are seeking for a strong genes in the men so that their offspring's are strong , intelligent and healthy.
Men and women have their strengths and weaknesses. Each will have their own priority lists.
For the men, it could be beauty ,personality and character,loving, share the same values, companionship, able to cook, take care of the home and have children.
For the women , foremost is security,emotional security, financial security,honesty,sense of humour, manners,affectionate, kind, considerate, trust, love, devotion, best friend,great companion ,smart, intelligent and the list goes on....
It will not be easy finding such a man and in the end, they will have to lower their qualification bars to get hitched.
Many girls in those poor 3rd world countries become mail order brides to get away from their poverty at home.For these girls it is money first and love second. They get married to old men or those invalids who cannot find a wife in their own country.
They do not have a choice, marry any Tom ,Dick or Harry and accept their destiny.
If you are rich and can afford me , I will be your bitch and do whatever you want.Some may discover their pot of gold when those men really love and care for them. Others may find themselves at the gate of hell.
They are women and they will have to meet their destiny's.Life goes on.
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How much does one breast cost ?
This is not about chicken's breasts but woman's breasts. You will never know the real actual price until you chance to read this piece of news.You are worth millions and it is only one breast alone. What about your other body parts? I cannot count the millions or billions for your total body parts.
It is no wonder that in certain places in this world, there exist human organ harvesters. They kidnap their victims and harvest their organs for sale to those rich people who are in need of them without any questions being asked.
There are so many people dying like dogs in other parts of the world and their life's are not even worth the price of a single bullet.
After you know how much is the cost of one boob, you are sure gonna treasure those two jewels on your chest. Maybe , you might want to insure them ...LOL!
A woman was misdiagnosed with breast cancer four years ago and the Malaysian court has awarded her RM7.5million !!!! WOOO!
How could the first doctor erred in his diagnosis? It is simply stupendous !!It makes you wonder about those doctors or consultant's qualifications and expertise. They better be very sure before they announce their diagnosis or the wrong diagnosis will destroy their careers. What a terrible waste for all those years of medical studies!
If he was in the private practice, I doubt if he could pay for her compensations. Lucky for this woman , it was the hospital run by the government.
Sometimes , I dread about going for those medical examinations and often wonder ,how much can we trust in those medical reports.
I had an internet chat friend in the USA and who was always sick and she went from one hospital to another to have tests carried out on her to find out what was her problem.
She ran a battery of tests and those doctors could not pin point the cause of her sickness until one asked her to go for the MRI and it was then discovered that she had terminal cancer. Sadly she did not live long and died after a month of her discovery.
Going for medical examinations may not be a good thing. You may find out something which may not dangerous but the news may make you worry about it. This may even make you sick.
I think that if you are feeling unwell, then you should only go for the medical examinations rather than going for your annual check ups even when you are healthy.
I do not trust too much about those results of the medical examinations and it does not give me too much confidence in those reports.
There are pros and cons about those medical examinations. It is up to each and everyone to decide whether they should go for one or not.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, May 16, 2009
How safe are plastic bottles ?
Plastic water bottles or containers are very convenient means of carrying water and storing foodstuffs. It is very light weight and unbreakable.
We should not be thinking of convenience alone but rather the long term health prospects of using those plastic utensils.
We cannot avoid them totally but we can try to minimize their use .We should choose those water bottles very carefully in order to prevent chemicals in the plastic from leaching into your water.
Plastic water bottles are made from oil and most of these water bottles are not recycle and end up in landfills and causing environmental pollutions. It would take a very long time for them to decompose.
If it is a #2 HDPE (high density polyethylene), or a #4 LDPE (low density polyethylene), or a #5 PP (polypropylene), your bottle is fine.
The type of plastic bottle in which Reverse osmosis (R.O water ) or mineral water is usually sold is usually a #1, and is only recommended for one time use only.
They are made from polyethylene terephthalate (Pete). They should be discarded and not reused again and again. Ignore this warning at your own perils.
Many people reuse this type of bottle till it turns or fade in colour. This is bad for your health.
The long-term use of such plastic bottles may lead to the release of cancer-causing chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA).
Bisphenol A is a xenoestrogen. Synthetic xenoestrogens are linked to breast cancer and uterine cancer in women, decreased testosterone levels in men, and are particularly devastating to babies and young children.
BPA has even been linked to insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
We should think of our children's health and try to stop using plastic water bottles or food containers.Instead of using them we should use glass or ceramic containers to store the food.
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The sex starved wives ...
In the beginning, everything was perfect and you were boinking each other like those rabbits or monkeys.
You couldn't asked for more .
Nothing could be more perfect when you could satisfy each other's thirst for sex.
Some where down the road , things began to change and the sex was not as great as before and so too was the duration.
What are you going to do when he lost the desire for you ?
He is unwilling , unable to or what ever the reasons for his lack of interest in sex with you. You will need to find out the causes and seek the help of the professional therapist or counselors.
Women and men have different sex drives. Some have very high sex drives like a Ferrari F-1 car and others have a lower sex drive like some antique boneshaker or no sex drives at all.
It is a myth that women have a lower sex drive than the men . The women were found to want sex as much as the men or more. This was a surprising discovery in this new age.
Some men do have low sex drive because they are stressed, overworked and the lack of sleep and exercise.
The wives were too busy themselves and had no time to take care of him .He was left very much to his own devices.
They are not very fit nor healthy and eat a poor diet. How could they have a high sex drive when these important factors are neglected ?
If you want your men to be a good stud, obviously , you need to feed him on a good diet and gives him plenty of rest to recharge his batteries.
Sex is not about orgasms only but for the women to feel wanted and loved and emotionally connected.
This is why the men could not understand their wives perspectives. They thought of sex as simply a physical act of pleasure and nothing more.
Their inability to perform may hurt and affect their masculinity as they realized they are not manly enough for her . To be a man , one must be virile or they are not the man.
They withdraw into their shell like the tortoise leaving their wives feeling high and dry, isolated and lonely.
You may think that most men do not have enough of sex but in reality , many women are starved of sex too.
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Can we live in a carless society ?
Many people would dump their cars if there is a better way of transportation's or an efficient means of transportation.
There are buses ,taxis , trams and trains to serve your needs and owning a car is unnecessary.
Everyday you can see endless cars getting clocked up in the city's highways and much time and money is loss.
Depending on which part of the world you live in ,it is not cheap and economical to own one .It may cost an arm and a leg to maintain and keep them.
In my country , the public transports are totally unreliable and chaotic. There are not many mass transit trains like in some 1st world countries.
This sector has been intentionally neglected because the government wanted to promote the ownership of the local car to the population without which the local car industry would collapse.
The terms of owning a new small compact family car was zero down payments or a minimal sum and loans of up to 10 years.
Many had no choice and with those easy credits and terms were forced into debts.
Imported quality cars were slapped with higher duties and the people were forced to buy the locally made cars which was inefficiently produced. The market was too small for the producers to enjoy the economies of scale.
In the town of Vauban, Germany , near the French and Swiss borders ,cars are banned on most streets and houses cannot have driveways or garages. They have only the electric trams to serve the town.
Maybe, most of the inhabitants will have to cycle or use the battery operated bicycle for locomotion's like in this part of the world. Perhaps we should go back to using the horse and carriage mode of transportation's.
Without cars, there will be less pollution , global warming, car thefts and accidents which can claim life's.
We may not do away totally with the mechanical beast but if we can improve the public transportation's , many will give up the ownership of their cars. In which case, many people will be unemployed.
Which is the lesser of the two evils ?
For the moment , the car is a necessity and not a luxury anymore as people need them to travel daily from one place to another. If the new township can be self contained , there will be no need for cars.
What a better world to live in ! No more traffic jams , stress and road rage.
Related story
Friday, May 15, 2009
Men are lazy ....?
Are the men getting more lazy or have they always been lazy in the dating scene?
It is in their upbringings which shaped their minds.
The men are a privilege lot because most mothers give them special preferential treatments over the girls.
The girls have to do all kinds of work in the home and even taking care of their brothers needs.
The world has changed and is no more the same with women working in droves along side with the men.The modern phenomenon of working women have given rise to new problems in bilateral relationships.
It has given them the financial muscles as well as the independence to do whatever they wanted . They could call the shots now.
With shows like , Sex and the cities leading the way, the new lifestyles of those city girls became the vogue.
The new freedom have altered the woman's perceptions and expectations of men.
They have discarded their traditional concepts of a subservient wife and now seeks equality in a long term relationship.
Believing in this new ideals but yet expecting the men to still woo them in the traditional way. They can choose the new or the traditional ideals whenever it suited them.It is like having the cake and eating it, wanting the best from both worlds.
They expect the men to always foot the bills or they would fail her test and he will be considered unworthy as a potential mate.Women pay particular attentions to minor details for they tell a lot about a person. They were born that way and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
They have too many unrealistic conditions that most men would fail and what's in it for the men ? They can get sex from those FWB or those loose moral women or hookers.
In the past ,for the men , it was about trying to win a girl to be your life long partner , to cook , clean, wash, take care of them and have children. This was the basic ideals of marriage.
Today's modern and liberated women do not want to clean , wash and cook or do all those household chores like their mothers.They would rather hire some help since they can afford it. It is a drudgery and it would better serve them if they use their 'gifts' in their careers.
Their priority is scaling the ladder of success and everything is secondary. Their ambitions know no bounds.They are caught in that fast lane and have no time to slow down or get off.
The general perception from the females is that the men are getting laid back and allowing the females to do most of the chasing in the new dating game. It is either that or they will remain as a wall flower left on the shelf.
The present generations of women are expected to pay for dates or split the bill, make the first move, making the phone calls and being the aggressor or initiator in the bed room.
The reason for this is probably the feminization of the males due to the contamination's of those female hormones in the food chains and from those packaging materials.
A role reversal which most females are unfamiliar with .They have been at the receiving end since the ages and with today's changes in the socio-economic situations, the playing fields have shifted.
Since she is working like the men and seeking equality , she is expected to shoulder those burdens equally with the men.Why should she be treated differently?
Men and women do not think alike for they are wired differently and women like excitement and romance in their relationships, while men look for comfort and familiarity. They may not share in their interests or activities but are expected to take at least an interest in each others activities. Those common activities are dining out,shopping,movies, social parties,and company functions.
Being together entails some sacrifice and compromise .
Let's hear from the man's perspective .
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Behind every successful man ....
"They say behind every great man there's a woman." Or the feminist would say," Behind every man is a great woman ."
Today, there are many women who are highly qualified and have high earnings. Their advancement in their careers is an embodiment of the modern day successful women.
Being successful ,married and having a demanding career can take a tremendous toll on her physical, psychological and mental state.
She suffers from the stress, tiredness and lack of sleep as she juggles her incessant demands of her career and home. Somewhere and something will have to break.
Her feminist ideals of managing her careers and home will be too high to attain and either one will have to suffer as she is only an ordinary mortal and not some wonder woman.
In the past, she only had to hold up half the world but compared to the present situation , she is holding up the whole world with some or little help from her man.
What profits a woman if she can own the world but loses her life ?
Is she getting the best of both worlds?
Do they derive the satisfactions and fulfillment's from their chosen careers .
Is she using the best of her abilities to enjoy a better quality life .What about their roles as mothers and wives ?
This is the dilemma of many modern ,married and working women. Women have got talents, skills and they are now better educated . With the modernizations , life's becomes more complicated , complex and confusing.
Whether they will use their given abilities to enhance their husbands careers or for themselves or their families will ultimately reward them with a happy and fulfilled life or consigned them to the lonely planet.
If they choose the right choice, they will not only be able to help their man in his career but will also have the freedom and pleasure of spending more time with their children. They will be more in tune with their inner calling as a mother ,wife and helper as God designed them to be.
Life is about balance.They need to seek a work-balance in their life .Having plenty of money or materialistic things do not enrich the quality of life and neither will guarantee you happiness.
Related topic
Sleeping with the boss.
The office where you work and spend most of your time is a fertile ground for office romances. It is the place where you know each other more intimately and feelings can develop.
It is inevitable when you have a room where both the opposite sex mingles daily. The laws of natural attractions or carnal instincts will be present .
It may start innocently at first but it can slowly lead you further on without your realizing it and finally ending up in the bedroom and the start of a hot and sizzling affair.
It is usually the younger women falling for the older bosses. In this modern age of female emancipation's and liberalizations, many of those office piranha's are not bothered with his marital status. Single or married, they will go in for the kill and claim their prizes.
From their point of view, he is their knight in shinning armour on a white horse who will sweep them off their feet and lead them to the gateway to their fairy tale dreams.
Everything is so nice and spicy and like living in a paradise.Their initial objections will soon give way to pleasure and delight in their new loving and intimate relationship.
Stolen affairs are always exciting and enjoyable. She does not know that or realize that her sweet dreams will be just empty dreams only.
Even if she realizes it , she is powerless to extradite herself from that mess. She is like being swept away by the tidal waves of loves ,lies and deceits and finally drowns in the sea of bitterness .
For the boss who is most probably married and have kids, she is an escapade from his dull , boring and married life. He will never leave his wife for you and all he can do is to cheat and lie to you and make plenty of promises which will never be kept.
If you are thinking that you can rise faster in your career by sleeping with the boss, you will sadly be disappointed to find out that you have been manipulated ,used and will be abandoned in the end.
If your boss is single and available , there is a chance that you maybe able to hook him up and land the big catch.
Sleeping with the boss is fraught with dangers.You will have to do a fine balancing act and not fall prey to the wolves in sheep's skin.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Bimbo or intelligent women ?
The first type is extremely curvaceous and almost flawless from head to toe while the second is intelligent, sophisticated and charming.It is about beauty versus brains .
Which will make an ideal companion for you?
The men are attracted by their great looks at first and on second look may opt for those smart and intelligent women . Those smart women have higher qualifications bar and many men will fail their strict standards.
Though brains are better than beauty yet we see beauty opens more doors and they achieve more tangible results than those smart ,intelligent and faceless women.
The story of that beautiful , smart and intelligent prodigy who went to the prestigious Oxford University to study maths and later became a hooker instead is an example of what beauty can accomplish over brains.(http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/article3176.ece)
In this present world , many men may value beauty over intelligence.This is of course a subjective issue. More women than men are going to the university as women become more independent. Further increasing the pool of single and unmarried females and heating up the competitions.
Most men would rather marry down than up. They would rather have a beautiful and docile partner than an intelligent but problematic one.
The rich men would rather marry a beautiful woman than an intelligent woman or the beautiful women would attract the richest man.
Everyone has their own ideas of what consist of beauty. It could be just physical beauty alone or beauty with intelligence like those Miss World pageants where you are not only judged on your beauty but also on your intelligence.
Different judges would produce different results because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.It is not easy to judge a beauty contest and sometimes those results are fixed.
A recent study found that intelligent women have better sex life than bimbo's. Having emotional intelligence is an advantage in all aspects of our life. There is no doubt about that.
I do digress a bit with their findings. It is not that bimbo's don't enjoy better sex than smart and intelligent women . Each have their own levels of enjoyment.
A bimbo may have more skills in the physical realm than her intelligent sisters in the mental realm. Whether in the physical or mental realm , both type of women can give the men a run for his money.
The smarter the women the slimmer is your chances. There are not many women who are bless with both intelligent as well as beauty.Bimbo's are not walk overs as they can be conceited and think that you are not good enough for them.
There comes a time when little boys will have to grow up and become men and learn the intricacies of life and relationships.
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To unravel a woman's language.
No man can ever understands a woman and neither can a woman understands a man.
They are both from a different planet. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The most often quoted phrase used to denote their divergent and irreconcilable differences.
Women are just not only too confusing to a man but just as confused themselves.
They cannot really understand their own selves and how can a man understands them. They can be wishy-washy like the sands on the beaches. Each time a wave comes onshore, the landscape changes.
A 'Yes' can be a 'Yes' or a 'No' They say one thing and mean another. The head says, 'No' but the heart says. ' Yes '
Which is which ? Listen to the head or listen to the heart? Hit the right answers and you will be rewarded.
Got the wrong one's and you will be in her cooler. It is quite frustrating in this guessing game. Only through trials and errors will you sharpen you marksmanship.
Understanding a woman is not what comes out of her mouth but what is in her heart. You will need to look into her eyes and see into her heart .It is not about hearing her words but feeling her out. You need to be a psychic or have telepathic powers... LOL!
Her words are simple and plain but beware , appearance can be deceptive. What you hear is not what you get .
You not only have to sieve and analyze those words from her but must master the art of reading her body signals. Her words are like a jungle , full of booby traps , predators and Alien beings.
It is alright to ignore her words or advice sometimes but to ignore her body language would be tantamount to pressing your own self destruct button.
Adios! Hasta la vista! Babe!
Related topic
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Do you fake orgasms?
Most women are guilty of faking it and some even does not know what is it.You really cannot blame them .Many women do not know what they need or want in order to experience an orgasm.The man's lack of experience or knowledge and not knowing how to stimulate their partners.
What is female orgasm?
The climax or peak of sexual pleasure which occurs during sexual activity and which in males may include ejaculation and in females vaginal contractions. ( http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/orgasm )
For some traditional thinking women, as long as she helps him to release his load, her duties is done .
Whether she finds pleasure in it for herself or not , it does not matter as long as she can pleases him and makes him satisfied .
Thus , she often fakes it to make him feel good and that he is a good lover.
She expects him to know those tricks but somehow or rather cannot bring herself to teach him where are her erogenous zones or do those actions which will pleasure her the most.
He will have to discover it himself and without her help and guidance will never find those mysteries by himself in a 100 years.
Some women can reach orgasm by themselves but unable to achieve it with their partners.
There are others who would find greater heights of pleasure by using those sex toys like a vibrator. Getting him to accept it together may be a problem.
Not all women are the same. She will have to teach him where to press those buttons because the female orgasms is a complex mix of physical, emotional and mental stimuli. It would take lots of practice to get it perfect.
She does not understands her own sexuality and seldom talks or share about it intimately with anyone. It is a taboo or a shame to talk openly about it. It can be sinful to some others.
She is a good girl cum housewife and not a courtesan . If she becomes too progressive in her sexual exploits, her husband may suspect her past and associate it with those hookers.
Want to stop faking it and enjoy a real orgasm ?
You would need to discover and share those secrets together . Let go off those inhibitions and sex myths . There is no right or wrong . Be imaginative and increase your erotic fantasy's.
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Related topic
Do women hate sex ?
"Men often gives love for sex , women often gives sex for love ."
Love is like pouring your cup of love into her cup and when it overflows, she will pour it back into your cup.
If you want to have sex with a good woman , you will need to shower your love on her and make her feel that she is the most important person in your life.
You need to plant the seed of love and let it germinate in her heart. Water it and let the sunshine into her life before you can see her flowers bloom for you.
A man can have sex any time , anywhere and with anybody or with anything without emotions.
A woman is wired differently from a man . She has to deal with her raw and complicated emotions and the fear of pregnancy.
For her to enjoy sex, she will need to feel loved and wanted. If these conditions are not present , she will resent or hate the sex as she is no better than a paid whore or like a utensil solely for your pleasure. She feels like she is being used and taken advantage off.
With the new sexual revolution , women are freed from those age old taboos and inhibitions . It is now fair game to both the sexes.
Women loves sex as much as men does. They seldom talk about it except when they are with their own kinds.
Do women hate sex ?
Not if you know the right ingredients and to avoid all those booby traps.
If your woman hates sex, then there is something not right with you.
If you do not know how to treat a lady the right and proper way , don't blame her for hating sex. You make her feel like a slut . You either sucks or you need to register at kindergarten class.
Women do enjoy sex and she will be begging for more if you have done your homework.
Why do guys watch porn ?
You have got to peek inside their world to understand why they like to watch porn.
Sometimes , they watch alone by themselves or they watch it together with their friends.
Some couples do watch porn together and it could enhanced their sex life. Some men can only get turned on when they watch porn.
Generally , most males have watch porn in their life . Some watch it on and off while some will get addicted to it.
There will be those few Hippocrates who will deny it in front of their friends or partners or they are living in a strict, religious and social framework which frowns on such a practice.
When they were in their teens , it was curiosity to know more about the woman's body and the act of coitus .
It was a taboo subject and not taught openly .What was taught in the official sex education in the school's curriculum were just the basics .
Watching porn is a contentious issue between the sexes and some relationships may break up because of porn.
Some women have a low tolerance level while others are more flexible.
Since the males and the females do not think and see alike, they will have different perspectives about porn.
For men , porn is just porn and it has got nothing to do with her. He needs a visual stimulation when he is frisky and when his partner is not around.
Porn to him is like a kind of fantasy world. People sometimes have daydreams or like to indulge in sweet and happy dreams to escape from the humdrum's of life.
He is not comparing her vital statistics with his living partner and she should not feel threatened by those porn stars.They know those women are out of their leagues.
Men are visual creatures and they are attracted by sights.They need mental stimulation's when they think of sex or want to masturbate.
If your partner detests porn , you will have to give it up or give her up .You do not not have any choice. Love her or love porn ?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What is it like for a man to have boobs ?
It can be a shame or a source of delight to different people. For an ordinary bloke , it can be shameful , disgusting and being tormented with those extra flesh on their chest.
For a trans gender or a transsexuals, it would be a welcome delight
Some people crave for it but did not get it , while others who did not want it have to accept it whether they liked it or not.
What is it like for a man to have boobs ?
Initially , they may feel elated and enjoy playing with it but after some time , the novelty wears off .
When you don't have it , you want it but when you have it , it is just like a part of your body. You don't feel any special about it anymore .
For the straight guys , it can be an inconvenience as they have to hide them from prying eyes, lest they become the target of attention and unwarranted and unkind comments.
Some of them would hide them by tying a tight bandage around the chest or they wear several layers or baggy clothes.
Going to the beaches or swimming pools were out of question.
The problem is caused by too much female hormones that are present in our food chain. The meat and vegetables we consumed , contained those female hormones .
The contraceptive pills which contains those female hormones, Estrogen and Progesterone are leaked into the environments and those fishes ,animals and plants absorbed them up.
Excessive female hormones in their diet can cause the men to have boobs or being feminized by those hormones.
Though those hormones have an effect on those guys , the effects on females are somewhat different . There are girls who are small breasted or 'A' cup and who wished to increase their size by a cup or more .They have tried every means but are disappointed by the results.
Those moobs cannot be removed by vigorous exercises or diet but only by an operation. The fatty tissue is removed by liposuction and a gland is removed to prevent it from regrowing again.
Moobs are usually associated with those obese people because of their body fats.It is a common occurrence.
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Career or marriage ?
It is work,work and more work for the modern women as she is propelled headlong into her all important careers.
Time and tides waits for no man and she will soon realized that she has crossed the magical 30's and now slowly approaching the 40's.
Her body clock is ticking at a faster pace now as her other quest for a life long partner is not as successful as her career. Women pay a frightful price for their success in this new age.
The recent recession has made them realized that their careers alone may not sustain them for their whole life .
Their jobs could be in peril as those MNC's downgrade or goes bust.
Before the recession, they were too engrossed in their careers to think of marriage and did not place more emphasis on their personal life.
The tried and tested way is still the best way to get further in life. If they want a better life, they should combine marriage with career and have a win - win situation.
If anything befallen them , they could always fall back on their partners to support them . Their aged parents may not be around anymore for them to go home when the going is tough.
As today's women are much more highly qualified, finding a life long partner can be a very difficult process.
All the good, kind and rich men are already taken up,only leaving those at the bottom of the barrel for them to choose.
Compounding to this problem, the middle age men would rather marry younger girls or those lesser qualified one's or beta females.
Many would rather stay single than marry someone who is unambitious or lacks those qualities that she seeks in him.They set too high standards for themselves and priced themselves out of the marriage market.
She has to lower her sights if she wants to find a good man .It is not about finding someone who is equal or as successful as she is but looking for the right character and personality of the men.
Not all men can climb the ladder of success but they can be good consorts , bodyguards,,husband, father,boyfriend, companion all rolled into one.
If she insists on finding the men with the same success or qualifications, it will be mission impossible. We will wish her all the best of luck.
Reference and thanks to :-
From 5.9 in to a massive 9.8 in
This is the idealistic dream of many a male in possessing such an endowed tool. Many can only entertain such a thought but one man in Russia decided to make his dream come true.
If you are thinking of applying those enlargement creams, special equipments or exercises touted by those online sites, you will not find much success unless you go for that special operation which is guaranteed to make it longer.
Length may look awesome but whether it can perform better than an average one is another matter.
The man was so convinced that having that king size tool would enrich his banal life and he would be the envy of all the males.
The girls would cry in delight and fall all over him when they see and taste his massive libido. His misplaced notions lead him to have a penile enlargement surgery .
Even his doctors warned him of the consequences but he still chose to go ahead against their advise.
They could not convince him to abort the operation. He asked for it and they granted him his wish.
The operation was a success and he went home a very proud owner but within a month he came back and beg those surgeons to undo his enlargement and return back to it's original size.
Instead of attracting those girls , the mere sight of his tool would send horrors of horrors and the unimaginable pain that would cause them .
It is a fallacy of the males to think that the bigger and longer it is , the more the women would enjoy it.They are not at the receiving end and do not have any idea what it is like.
He found the real truth a bit too late . Probably , he did not ask for any female opinions or he would have save himself the pain and the stigma .
The average man's tool is adequate enough for the job and there is no need to increase the size as the erogenous zones of a woman are mostly on the outside and not deeply inside of her.
If you are thinking of doing anything to your thingy whether by legal or illegal means, think hard because you only have one in this life.
For her, love is much more important than sex.
Reference and thanks to :-
Monday, May 4, 2009
Women still do more household work than their partners.
Though women have attained equality in the present age, the household chores and the taking care of children are still the domains of women.
Since many women are working and contributing to the finances of the family , it places undue strains to women who also have to take care of the family and home .
The modern women could be taking on too many roles and it has given rise to the term ,'Superwoman.'
She has to juggle between work and her household duties and this has created a lot of stress , pain and fatigue . Even though some can afford hired help to maintain the home , it still require her supervisions.
Women have a different and higher standards and criteria from men. Their way of doing those chores may not be compatible with each other.
At times , the women can be very fastidious and expect a certain criteria from the men . When it is not met , they will take over from their slip shod and sloppy partners.
The women in the previous generation had only to be the home maker and the separation of gender roles were very distinct unlike the present times where the boundaries are blurred.
The men may have increasingly chipped in to help in doing those traditional female roles like cooking , laundry , helping out with the care of the little tots ..etc.
Despite their willingness to help out, women still do more of the household work than their partners. They feel that they are more suited to those roles.The gender roles are no more rigid and it is not who should do this or that .
The men should be more understanding when some jobs are still unattended to as she is either too busy or too tired . He should not complain or make a scene but to help her out instead.
Women should learn how to delegate their tasks and also learn to accept that men have their ways of doing the same job albeit in a different fashion and which may not satisfy her standards.
Some men are turned off by her strict adherence to her standards only and they will not offer to lend her a willing hand in the home. Don't blame the men for not helping you out!
Live and let live!
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thinking of prostituting yourself ?
When life is hard and the bills are piling up , many women will entertain the thought of becoming a prostitute to make more money or to survive in this harsh and unfriendly world.
For some , it may be a matter of life and death but for others it is their choice as they want to earn a lot of money and live on the fast lanes.
She is at a wit's end and she knows that the quickest way to make more money is by prostituting her body.Prostitution is the oldest profession and there is always a demand for those type of services.
It is the last resort she will have to if she cannot resolve her financial woes.
It does not require any special skills but to only rent out her body for a short period of time and the income is lucrative enough to entice her and make her ignore the perils of this trade. Money considerations over rides all her moral and psychological objections.
What she see's is more more money and riches for her to live the high society life and be able to afford what she wants.
She maybe influenced by those movies which portrayed the unrealistic life of those hookers.
They only showed the good side without mentioning the dark, evil and degrading aspects of this work.
You are a woman and alone in that sleazy and dark underworld where violence , toxic diseases and deaths rules.
If the STD's or AIDS don't get you , your life would be worthless as you are like a lump of meat for consumption by others.
You could be raped, tortured or sold as a sex slave.
Some women do it on a part time basis and make some side incomes to live a materialistic life.
There are others who venture there simply for the thrills and the excitements.
What profits a man if he owns the whole world but lose his life .
Reference and thanks to:-
Beware the body snatchers !
About 400 people , mostly single and elderly people have disappeared and gone missing in this part of Southern China .
You can see missing person posters everywhere as their next of kins are trying to look for them.Their bodies have not been found and they have vanished into thin air.
Their relatives could not understand who would want to kidnap those elderly people and they were perplexed with many questions.
Have they been captured by aliens ? Why only the single and elderly people have gone missing?
The mysteries of the disappearance has been solved.
In the country of Jieyang in Canton, the government has decreed that all death must be created . Traditional burial was outlawed.
Cremation is good as it frees up space which can be used for many useful purposes especially in a very populated country like China.
They were kidnapped, killed and sold as substitutes for the dead ;whose relatives did not like the forced cremation imposed by the state.
They had no choice due to their superstitions and beliefs.In their cultural beliefs, if a body is burnt the spirit will be angry and misfortune will befall the descendants.It is like you have killed them and they do not have a second life in the after world. There are some who even do not believe in donating their organs as they will without a complete body in the after world.
If they are given the proper rituals and buried, the deceased will be contented and will protect them and give them the numbers to strike the lottery.
This law has created a black market demand for corpses which can be used to substitute those who do not like cremations due to their strong cultural beliefs.
Where to find that many corpses ?
Demand exceeded supply and those local gangs had to find more corpses and they preyed on the living elderly people .
Seems like the people there want to be rich even to the extent of killing the elderly people to sell their bodies,
charging 10,000 yuan (almost £1,000).They have no scruples and neither care about whether others are alive or dead as long as they can be rich in the quickest time.
The government did not study the law in further details and this has caused the disappearance of many elderly people.
This is a horrendous and tragic situation and I hope the authorities there will do something about the predicaments of those elderly people.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My husband is a gay !
It can be very sickening , horrifying and scandalous to discover that one's husband is now a gay.
There is not much the poor wife can do about it. When he has discovered his true sexual preferences, nothing will ever stop him from doing it.
There is no simple explanations for his present behaviour, for there are many factors which caused him to prefer the same sex. It is difficult to pin point on any factors.
Whether it is love with the same sex or not, it is still considered cheating in the eyes of a woman.
The women cannot change her husbands sexual preference.Once he has decided to come out of his closet, his dice is cast.
Either the women have to accept his new lifestyle or go separate ways.There are many people who cannot accept the gays community.
They think and feel that it is wrong and goes against their religious ,moral beliefs and upbringings.
There is a conflict of ideology and she may face a sexless marriage if she chose not to seek a divorce.
Do you think a woman can accept this kind of life?
Even if she still wants to stay with the man , it is quite possible that he is no more into her.
It could be a one sided affair and it would be better for her to let him go and seek his own happiness.
Sometimes ,I ponder the question of why should there be only one type of relationship in this world ?
What if a man does not like a woman or vice versa ?
Does this mean that they can never have any relationship and destined to be lonely through out their life?
If they like the same sex, should not they be given the same rights and not discriminated upon.
The law must not only appear to be fair but must be seen to be fair too.
The government is of the people and for the people and not a religious state where everything is based on the holy book.
That is why more states in the USA is passing laws to legalize the same sex marriage.
Being a gay is not forever, there are gays who went back to being straight again. It is like the four seasons. Nothing is ever permanent.
For further readings :-
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- Get a wife for S$167.00 a month - Charge it to you...
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- How long would you wait before you have sex ?
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- She felt she was a man trapped in a woman's body.
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- Do you fake orgasms?
- Do women hate sex ?
- Why do guys watch porn ?
- What is it like for a man to have boobs ?
- Career or marriage ?
- From 5.9 in to a massive 9.8 in
- Women still do more household work than their part...
- Thinking of prostituting yourself ?
- Beware the body snatchers !
- My husband is a gay !
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