Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Forbidden feelings - To love somebody .

Those words and feelings are stuck at your throat or inside your heart. You do not know if it is better to swallow it back or to throw them out. It is a big  dilemma.

You have a crush on your friend and it is crushing you and each day the weight becomes more and more unbearable. You cannot eat and sleep well and it affects your peace and tranquility.

To love somebody in secret or from a far distance can be  painful and pathetic.

What can you do?

It can be shameful, heartbreaking  and sad  when our love is not accepted. We could feel contemptible and ridiculed for having those thoughts. Perhaps even being scorned for secretly admiring and loving someone who do not even know that we existed.

You have a crush on a friend and not telling him/her can build up tremendous pressures inside of you . Your head is spinning and your heart is swirling to the whirlpool that has been created. On and on , it spins faster and faster and there seems no way you can get out from those strong swirling currents .

To tell and risk rejections and end of your dreams or keep those sweet feelings under wrap tightly and shut?

The story may end with a ' happily ever after 'or  could send you to a place where hell freezes over.

The moment may have arrived for you to declare your feelings to him/her and if you did not ,the  opportunity may not strike again . S/he could be gone from your world as you dither and only toyed with that idea in your mind. The fear of rejection is too strong and it paralyzed your thoughts.

You will need to learn to overcome those fears of rejections and boldly tell him/her what is in your heart. You will need to find an answer to your question quickly rather than let yourself   be stuck in a timeless black hole in space.

It would be better to know if there is a realistic chance of you getting together with him/her or not and if it is then you can either move on with your life or start to build your life together.

The journey of a 1000 miles begin with the first step. If you cannot take the first step, then you might as well forget about her/him.

Think with your head and not your heart. If  she/he rejects you , treat it like water off a duck's back.After a few rejections , your hide will get thicker and you will one day succeed by finding the right one for you.

All men have faced rejections one way or the other and it is a part of life.You need to take your chances. If you have never tried, how would you know the results?

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