What would it be like if women rule the world and all the men have to submit to all those woman's powers and laws ?
Women maybe the Presidents or Prime Ministers in their respective countries but it is still a man’s world out there.
Women are now competing with men in the universities, work and in every man’s sphere. There are now more women in the universities than men and soon they will be a majority in every sphere of life..
There will come a time when they will be a majority and a powerful force to be reckoned with and will decide the destiny of human race in the future.
Imagine living in some new land where the women rules and the men obeys.Women decide everything and they are the law.
In China, the authorities there have set up a woman’s town ,the 2.3-square-km Longshuihu village in the Shuangqiao district of Chongqing municipality.
(http://www.reuters.com/article/wtMostRead/idUSKUA64707120070426 )
It is a novel concept and a tourist attractions. It is an experiment to see how the world becomes when women rules and whether they can rule without the man’s help.
It is like the Amazon woman’s world where there were only women and no men. I don't know what happened to those men,kept like cattle and for stud purpose only or they died from some mysterious illness or the baby boys were killed after they were born.
Many of us know that a woman boss can be a very mean task master. She would act according to the law and be totally efficient and expect a lot from her subordinates.
A woman leader will have to act tough like Margaret Thacher on national security ,be tender like a mom and and have some sexy and feminine coquetry like Sarah Palin, the GOP Vice Presidential candidate.
Some excellent women leaders of the past,Isabel Peron and Evita of Argentina,Sirimavo Bandaranaike and Chandrika Kumaratunga of Sri Lanka,Golda Meir of Israel,Indira Gandhi of India,Margaret Thatcher,Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
Jenny Shipley and Helen Clark of NZ,Megawarti Sukarno of Indonesia, Arroyo of the Philippines and the present day Angela Merkel of Germany. Hillary Clinton and Sarah Paling of the USA and Ségolène Royal of France could be the next breed of female leaders the world would witness.
The females are enjoying the same rights as the men and enough women have gone through the pipe line by now and are ready to take on these leadership positions.
Will women rule the world some day ?
credit and thanks to :-
suggested readings
Is Having Sex Everyday Good or Bad ?
"Having sex everyday will keep the doctor away!" This is not a fallacy as sex is medically proven to keep you healthy and good looking. You do not have to go to those expensive slimming courses or belong to any gym club because you will be burning calories when you have sex.
The more athletic the sex, the more you will burn and stay fitter.Sex is also an antidepressant. When you have sex and enjoying those pleasures, your body produces a substance called serotonin which acts like an antidepressant drug Prozac. This is natural antidepressant produced by your body.
When you feel stressed, sex is the natural antidote .
Regular love sessions can also postpone the onset of menopause, stimulate fertility, and regulate the menstrual cycle.For the men , the more sex they have ., the more the body produces the hormone testosterone. The hormone is able to stimulate tissue replacement and bone growth and prevent osteoporosis.Overall, you would feel much better after sex and you have a longer life span.
In theory ,it is good for our health but in reality it is difficult to have sex everyday as we are so busy with work and stress and are affected by circumstances in life. Maybe, those married couples should try to fit in the time whenever possible.
There are other physiological and psychological factors which has to be taken into account.They may not be able to have sex everyday but as long as they feel contented and happy with each other, they have achieved their objectives in life.
Is there any side effects from too much sex?
Medically, I think there are no negative side effects as long as you take care of your diets,eat the proper and rich diet , have enough rest and sleep .
The advantages of sex out weights the disadvantages. If you want to stay healthy and be free from sickness, you should consider this natural remedy.
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Why Do Men Take Second Wives?
Some men take second wives or third wives or keep a harem. If the women does not submit to being the second or third wives, then there is really no question about this issue.
Are today's modern and liberated women any different from their peers of eon's ago? Have today's educated and emancipated women able to break away from their traditionalist thinking's ?
Most of today's women are more independent minded, ambitious and career oriented and some may even make more than the men. This has lead to a dire situation where there are few compatible men as women would rather marry upwards or prefer those on the same level as them. .Women of today are getting married later or not getting married at all because of the present situation.
It may not be a bad preposition to be the second wife or third as long as their needs are well taken care off .They live peacefully and are happy to be in that situation. There are of course two sides of this issue.
What is the point of being the only wife when she does not enjoy what she is entitled to under a marriage ? One man one wife concept may deem fair but the world does not evolve that way.
Many men and women are tempted to cheat while being married and this is the cause of the high divorce rate.Rather than cheat on the sideline, it would be better to make it legitimate and solve all those heartaches and problems of a cheating spouse.
It is a culture or religion in some societies to have several wives . In the olden times , the women from those poor families offered their daughters in marriage to those rich men as they could not afford to feed them and it was the only way for their daughters to escape from poverty and enjoy a fruitful and blessed life. Some of them became servants to those rich people who later married them .
Some people cannot even afford to marry but those who are rich and powerful have many wives , mistresses ,lovers and whatnots.
As long as they are happy , what is there to prevent the men from marrying more than one wife and women being the other wives. What if there are more women than men?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The World's Most Expensive Bra - A Whopping US$5 Millions !!
Not many will be able to afford it and no one in the right frame of mind will wear it on them except in their dreams.It would have to be specially fitted on the very lucky woman.
Adriana Lima is pictured here wearing the most expensive bra in the world.
It contains 3,575 black diamonds, 117 certified one-carat round diamonds and 34 rubies, adorned with nearly 3,900 stunning gems.
The wearer of this bra would have the right contours to match this extravagant and exquisite bra like Adriana.
The bra alone would not be appealing if not for the sexy and curvaceous Brazilian model. This goes to show that it is not the bra but the beautiful bode which brings out the beauty. The jewels that are within are more priceless than those on the outside, others may not agree with my views.
For the ordinary Jane's, bra's can be pricey enough even without those stones.
Reference and thanks to ;-
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My In-Laws Are Making My Life Miserable...
Before you fall in love with a guy , you should not only check him out thoroughly but also his parents or specifically his mother or your future MIL.Failure to do this would bring you untold miseries and make your life on Earth like hell.
Check out their relationships and what kind of relationships the guy has with his mother. Is he the independent type or is he the filial son to his mother.This will have a very important bearings to your happiness and sanity.
Do not because of love ignore this checking out of your future MIL. Ignore it at your own perils! You may think you are only marrying his son but it can be a big mistake if you think his mother does not influence his opinions on many things. His actions or in actions will give you plenty of heartaches and headaches.
If you do not want to have any MIL problems , you should seek out his opinions on whether you will be staying together with the MIL or only the two of you after you are married.
The best course after you have married is to move out and stay alone from either parents and live your own life together without any complications from either parents.It is hard enough to understand a man without the complexities of the MIL who would probably give you hell for taking away her son away from her. No matter how good is your in laws, sooner or later , there will be a clash of cultures and opinions .
What if you are already in that situation where you have no choice and your overbearing MIL is lording over your life and treating you like dirt ?
You cannot expect your husband to take your side as he is torn between you and his mother. By right he should be on your side but many a man do not see it this way. Many will think of their mother first and wife second.
If the situation has deteriorated into a no win situation and untenable , you need to stand up to your MIL's abuses and tell her to F.O and leave your husband and family: if the worst comes to the worst.Stand up for your rights to live the way you want or you will be trampled upon.
If you are not going to fight this war,no one will fight it for you . You will forever lose everything and you become like a zombie or be treated worst than a refugee in your own home.
There is no guarantee that you can win this war and not suffer the consequences but this is the only way , if you want to gain back your rights and live your own life with your man.
A trial separation is good because it will enable them to think of what they will miss when you are not there , for they have taken you for granted. However , you must be prepared that things may not go the way you envisioned. Your spineless husband may give you up and if that happens, it is better you seek a divorce and find another man .
If he wants you back , then it will be on your terms and they will have to respect you and your rights. If he does not want you , it is pointless going back to that kind of life. Start a new life ,get a job and be independent.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Is Marriage A Sham For Men ?
"Fools enter where angels fear to thread ! " When you are on the outside, you want to get in and when you are on the inside , you want to get out. This is the paradox of marriage.
Who invented the institution of marriage?
Some say it is God while others think it is women.
I do not know but judging from the way women benefits from it all , you would know that answer.
The smart , successful and 30 something women want to marry but when she finds the man , he is disinterested in marrying. Almost on the threshold but yet seem so far and elusive.
What is there in marriage for the modern men when they have sex, live together like a couple and probably have kids too? They are in a marriage situation short of the legal paper work.
The men can have the cake and eat it. Who can blame them for not wanting to get married when women throw caution to the wind.
This is a disinclination for them to marry and they are enjoying it minus the legal implications when they want to go their separate ways.
Some of the men fear marriage because when they divorce, she would take 50% of his money , the kids, the home and everything. The percentage of divorce rate is so high these days and even before they want to marry, they are thinking of what they will do if they divorce.
Married guys are often seen to be working off their asses paying for bills and bills and spending less time with the family nor have any sex life. Sometimes, they don't even get along with their kids which added to their problems.
If you married the wonderful and good wife , it is your good luck. Many others have married the angel who later morphed into a deceitful, treacherous , sly , manipulative and controlling hag. Marriage is about power, money and sex and it is inevitable when they are two totally and completely different beings.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. Some men will not know about real happiness until they got married and by then it was too late.
Marriage is not a word; it is a long sentence for the men.
For further readings; -
Monday, September 29, 2008
How To Impress Your Dinner Date
If you have instant chemistry and can click with each other, you will not have any problems impressing each other. For the most part in the early stages , a lot of us may not discover what turns her on and it may take some exploratory ventures before those sparks can strike like lightnings and shoots through the two opposite terminals.
First impression counts and it is very important if you want to secure another date from her. Being on time is the first of a series of test where she will see how you will perform. Don't come empty handed but with a beautiful bouquet of flowers which will warmth her heart and make her feel serene and happy. Flowers have a special meaning to those ladies.
Women are always giving you tests to gauge your character and probe into your inner soul to get the clues whether you are the one for her or not. She will have to decide if she wants you as only a friend or a potential mate. This will be decided very early on the first date and that is why the men will need to impress her that he is a right potential mate.
Since she takes so much trouble to preen herself for this date, she expects you to do the same and be well groomed, on your best behaviour like a gentleman and treat her properly like a lady. You need not only have to look neat, and clean but you may have to smell sweet and manly too.
Take her to some place that is classy and dine her at the best restaurant as the ambient there will make her feel more romantic and create the right favourable mood for a long esctatic and pleasant night
This is your first date and you should not scrimp and appear cheap. To her opinion , it is not about money but by how much you value her as a person.
To impress those ladies, you will have to be a real and keen listener, keep your outer and inner ears open and really listen to what she says and do not open your mouth too much.
When you talk to her , make sure you are looking into her eyes and not on her chest . The eye is the window into her heart. It shows that you are paying rapt attention to what she is saying to you and those eyes are marvellous to look at when you like her.
Be mysterious and do not divulge too much information about yourself as she will be mystified and would like to know more of you.
Be confident or act confident and do not argue with her but just state your opposing views and let it go.Do not argue with any woman, for you will never win . She will take it personally and it will be the end of this beautiful relationship. She is entitled to her thoughts. Do not agree on everything with her too ,as this will not be a challenge to her.
After the first date , call her up within three days to talk to her and ask her for another date .If she agrees , you are on and the game starts...
Reference and thanks to :-
How To Get The Man Of Your Dreams And Keep Him.
In his new book, "Treat Them Mean And Keep Them Keen", Gerry Stergiopoulos has fine tuned the art of seducing a man. He is a gay .
Any tips about getting the right man is always welcome and it is interesting to know what he has written. Knowing where the fault lies is very important.
Why are you still single and unattached?
Is it your fault or blame it on the men or circumstances or destiny ? One cannot absolve oneself and put all the blame on others because you create your own happiness and is the captain of your own ship.
External forces may influence you but if you do not want to go where you do not like, no one can force you . If your girlfriend tells you that it is not your fault , you should not believe it. It maybe a comforting thought and soothe your soul but in reality , you need to look deeper and examine your inner self.
It is not that you do not have opportunities coming along your way , but you did not take advantage of them. Opportunities may not be aplenty and there could only be a few in your life time.
Men are just simple creatures and if you cannot ' tame or domesticate' them, then you do not have a chance of having a relationship which could lead to marriage with them.
They have not changed in their style since the prehistoric dinosaur age. They have the primitive hunter instincts even though they wear a smart suit these days. You will need to understand their behaviours and use the right tactics to entrap them.
The title of his book ,"Treat them mean.." can give a wrong perceptions as no one in the right frame of mind would want to treat their b/f in a very mean way . It would force their b/f to run away or look for another.
I hope after reading his extracts from his book, you would have a better insight into how a man ticks and take the appropriate actions . No two men are the same and you will need to modify and adept it according to your b/f's personality.
Reference and thanks to :-
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Topless Sunbathing Not For Everyone.
In some Western countries or in certain designated places in some Eastern countries,women may sunbath topless or in their birthday suits and does not attract any attentions . It is quite a normal activity in some countries.
Sunbathing is not an activity for many Asians as those who reside in the tropics are afraid of the merciless sun and they try to cover up or shield from the damaging sun rays.
The world is getting hotter because of hole in the ozone layer above the Earth and icebergs are melting in the North and South Pole. The temperature or global warming has affected many parts of the world.
The sun's rays are not only hot but walking under the sun is like walking in a gigantic microwave oven.
Girls here prefer having fairer skins than a darker tone or tanned look. Sunbathing for an extended time can cause harm to the body.If they are exposed too much under the sun , they will not only darken their skin but may also get sun burn or heat stroke .It can also lead to photo aging of the skin (pigment spots or age spots )or may even cause skin cancer.
Compare this to those white Caucasians who love to sunbath because they only enjoy limited periods of the sun in their cold temperate countries. They would prefer a tan look and to get the full tan , they would sunbath in the nude without those stripes of white skins on their body.
Spending a day on the beach without any sun protection creams or lotions on any exposed part of the body is bound to receive sun burns .The heat is just incredible. Most people here would rather spend their time inside the air-conditioned places.
Why do some women like to sunbath in the nude or topless?
They may have a well endowed body and want to flaunt them for the world to see and bask in the attentions from those males or less endowed females who will surely compare them with their bodies . These women have exhibitionist streaks .
In Italy, the beach etiquette says that “fatty, ugly and unpretty women are not allowed to appear on the beach topless.” This is sexist and discriminatory...LOL!
Reference and thanks to :
90 Per Cent Of Women Cheat To Look More Attractive
What you see is not what you get. With today's technological advances, there are many accessories or cosmetic surgeries which can help a girl to look gorgeous or glamourous. A nip here ,a tug there and all the new modern medical science to help her to obtain the perfect figure.
Some day the girl you marry may turn out to have false boobs, false crevices, false eyelashes, false bottom, false teeth, white hair, hairless ,freckled face or hidden scars. Oops! I can leave that to your imaginations.
When you are in love, you think she is the most beautiful person on Earth and you will not notice those false parts as she cleverly conceals them from you.
You can call it a 'trick' or an art of deceptions but a 'cheat', that is too harsh a word.
A survey has found that the vast majority of the female population are happy to resort to tricks to enhance their beauty. They are willing to pay or spend a major part of their salary on those accessories or procedures.
The most in demand is breast augmentations.Having a bigger and noticeable boob which 'jinggles' will increase their self esteem and confidence .
Some of them do fork out a few thousands for a space suit underwear which when worn will make them look slimmer . Beauty comes first. Such is the expectations which they feel a need to conform to the present beauty standards.
For those who cannot afford the expensive cosmetic breast uplift, there is the push-up bras or wonder bras which accentuated their curves and make their boobs fuller.Sometimes, masking tapes are use to create the cleavage .Not many women are well endowed and those who are not have to resort to this method. Before the advent of pushed up bras, women had to use stockings or tissues to fill up those crevices.
We are actually created perfect in God's eye and do not have to create an artificial image projected by those media hypes. All those beauty aids are just vanities and a few years down the road, they will be gone and covered with fats .
The beauty that is everlasting comes from the inside of your heart.For we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Reference and thanks to :-
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Regular Breast Examination Does Not Work !
HUH! What a 'fair dinkum!' We have been told that we need to regularly check our breast for lumps or for any changes . Suddenly all those examinations are fruitless and a waste of time and efforts.
According to Dr. Keith of the Sun paper, this is wrong advice! This will come as a shock to many women and pretty very confusing to learn that we have been fed the wrong information's.
If we did not have regular self examinations we may not even know of their existence and continue our life in a blissful state. If the lumps increase in size then we should be worried about it and have it checked by those professional doctors.
He is not the only doctor who said that regular breast examination is dead, in 2003 a leading woman expert also wrote the same thing in the British Medical Journal .
Does it mean that you don't have to examine your breast regularly anymore and just leave everything to nature ?
You don't have to check regularly or religiously week in and week out but you only need to be aware of any changes , sensations or pain in your breast and if you think you have a problem , then you should go and see your doctor. Heed your body signals and don't go looking for lumps when there are none or when they are harmless.
Eat a healthy diet and exercise to keep fit and healthy. If you still can get cancer, then it is fated..
Reference and thanks to :-
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