Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why Men Visit Brothels ?

Why are there hookers or prostitutes?

If there are no hookers, there will be no brothels .If there is no demand for their services , then the hookers will be out of service.

The world cannot get rid of this problem because there is a strong demand for this kind of services by the men. There are men who cannot live without sex and once when he enters that place, he can develop into an addiction to it. He will continue to go and seek new pleasures or check for new girls.

Those men who are not attractive or unappealing will not be able to have sex in their real life and they will have to go to the brothels. Those young and unmarried would go there to have sex for fun and experimentation's because they could not afford to woo and marry any girl at that moment.

Those who are married and later divorced , may not entertain a remarriage and may go to those brothels to satisfy their sexual needs. There is no emotional tie ups and they can on and off whenever it suits them unlike a marriage.

Some of the men have fetishes and fantasies and they may not want to do it with their wives or their wives  are not receptive to their ideas. The men would rather do it with those hookers who would do anything within their means to satisfy their clients.

The married men may seek those hookers when they are bored with their partners and want some varieties or when they do not get enough from them. Those brothels serves as an outlet for their sexual urges and stress. Otherwise, they may rape their own children or commit some heinous crimes.

For the men , it is cheaper to go to the brothels than to marry a woman. They get better satisfaction and varieties . Why buy the whole cow when you only want to drink the milk only? It is the time to sow their wild oats before they settle down with one woman.

In our society , it seems acceptable for the men and the women to a certain extent to have sex before marriage. There is no stigma associated with it. Today's brides are sometimes 5 months pregnant or even holding a one year old during the wedding receptions.

Some men may stop going to those brothels after they are married while others may resurrect this activity when they do not get along well with their spouse.

After you have married, the men should stop going to those brothels because many women will not be able to accept this situation. It is considered unfaithful and
will lose her trust and the marriage suffers.

Reference and thanks to ;-,23599,24261720-5017865,00.html

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Background:- Courtesy


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