Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This is the new disease of the 21st century. The internet age has changed the face of the Earth and many of our life's are now evolved around a computer, leading to obsessive and compulsive behaviours.

It is a cause for many divorces as their spouses spend too much time on these machines watching porn or having cyber sex or chit chatting in those chat rooms.

We are depending more and more on those computers and spending more and more of our time sitting in front of the idiot box. With the advancement in the telecommunication fields, you can go online from anywhere in the world.

Your life will never be the same again after .....

Do you get stressed when you cannot get online ?

If you feel stressed then you have become an internet addict. If you spend too much time on the internet and neglect your other duties or make mistakes often, you are a hopeless internet addict .

Sometimes when the speed of the download is slower , you can get stressed too. You can get stressed when you have written a full post and then suddenly there is a power outage or your post goes missing after you have uploaded it.

Psychologists studying the high stress levels caused by internet dependency have dubbed the phenomenon 'discomgoogolation'.
They define it as a 'feeling of distress or anxiety when unable to gain immediate information access'.

What are the tell tale signs of a internet addict?

When you forget to eat or suffer from a lack of sleep because you spend too many hours online. You need to upgrade your machine and have withdrawal symptoms when you cannot get online
When you get edgy and have little patience due to the fatigue.

Most of us consider the internet as an integral part of our life. We use it to send e-mails, play games, blog or read and surf the net for info's and news or watch porn. We spend a better part of our free time blogging or chit chatting up with others .

Some psychiatrists have claimed that obsessive internet use is such a serious a public health problem that it should be officially recognised as a clinical disorder.

Reference and thanks to :-


Internet addiction test;



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I like to write from my experiences in life . I am just an ordinary person and the net is the place where I enjoy writing as my hobby. My main blog is at http://laura1318.wordpress.com and another blog at http://suzie1318.blogspot.com Thank you for visiting my blogs and I appreciate your presence.
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