Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The History Of Women

In the beginning, there was darkness and God said, "Let there be light!" He then went on to create the world with all kinds of living things and lastly he created a man from the earth and called him Adam; but He was not pleased as He found him lonely in the Garden of Eden.

When he was asleep, God took out one of his rib bones and created Eve, a woman similar in appearance but with some modifications and additions to the original prototype. God was pleased with Eve as she could be his helper and Adam would not be so lonely after all.

The man thought that since he was the first prototype, he was superior to the woman, being nature of being the first born or created. He began to lord over her because of his bigger physical build and stronger muscles .

The woman who was weaker physically was compensated with a wily and cunning brain, able to think on both sides of her brain and do multi tasking.

She allowed him to believe that he is in charge while we all know that most of the time , it is the woman who makes the decision. If you do not consult your woman , you will be the loser .

Most of the time , if you want to have a harmonious ,peaceful and lasting relationship, you should ask for her opinions even if it is a unimportant business. It shows your love and respect for her and make her feel wanted and appreciated.To her, it is the actions that counts and not always the substance.

One day some men discovered the truth that women are more superior than men and they began to trivialize everything which women did.They philosophized that they were the stronger and better beings and that women were only fit to perform all those daily menial task to cook, wash and take care of them.

It did not crossed their minds that women are as capable as them and so women were denied all those rights which those early men enjoyed. They did not like the house chores and kept those women at home who provided them with a warm and cozy home and took care of all their needs.

Thus , until this present age, women were associated with the home and became a standard gender role.

Reference and thanks to :-



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