Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Teachers having sex with teen students.

Before, it was unheard off but in today's world , there are so many cases of teachers having relationship with their pupils . It is the new age and a sign of the times .

There are teachers who have sexual relationship with their pupils and others baring their bodies or other inappropriate acts like posing their nude or scantily pixs in the internet.

After the break out of such cases , the teachers are trained to recognize those signs and how to handle those issues of teacher-pupil relationships.

It is legally and morally wrong to have sex with minors and even worse , if they are your students. Those teenage boys at 14 or 15 are raging bulls with their hormones at full blast while having the immaturity of an adolescent.
At this time, they are the most naughtiest , daring and devil may not care attitudes.

Most teachers are females and young , freshed from their colleges and they sometimes dressed inappropriately or sometimes they sit or stand suggestively which they may not be aware off.

When we were at that age, we secretly admired all those teachers and dreamed of them. They were just dreams and imaginations and some had a secret crushed on their teachers.Some teachers waited till their students were off age and then married them.

Those female teacher may have a psychological problem . They slept with those teens which is against the law. It is called statutory rape of a minor even if the boy consents.

We may never understand what goes on in that teacher's mind. Why she would do that and jeopardize her career and her life?

There was a case where a married teacher with children committed this sin with her student and she had to go to jail .
Why did she threw away her life for this student? What can that student offer her?

These teachers may have relationship problems in their life and they became irrational and find solace in those teen students which lead to a sexual exploitations.

Honestly, when one cannot think straight , this will happen.Most of those teachers used their students to escape from their problems at home with their husbands or family.

She does not know what she was doing or the devil possessed her.

Teaching is a very stressful job with today's student being more rowdy and uncontrollable . As each succeeding generations come , the students are becoming more intelligent and more matured than the last generations.

credit and special thanks to abcnews ;-


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