Thursday, April 30, 2009

Little children are turning into mini adults.

Young in body but having the mentality of an adult woman. It is like a 10 years old girl impatiently wishing to have the body of an 18 years old.
They are growing up too fast and may well burnt out when they reach 25.

Whatever has become of these young girls?

These breed of young girls as young as 10 are thinking of boys ,dates, sex ,diets,make ups, manicure and breast implants.

They are no more interested in those normal activities that girls of their age do.

Their well to do parents indulge them and spends large sums of money on their outfits, shoes , handbags ,accessories and beauty treatments .

At this early age, they have develop such a spendthrift attitude and what would happen when they graduate and their incomes cannot sustain their
materialistic lifestyles?

They may have felt that their daughter have special talents and deserves the best and probably wanted them to become top class models .

These girls are maturing at a very fast pace and may have leap frog the childhood phase in their life.

Children should be allowed to be children and allow them to develop at their own pace. If we forced them to become adults too quickly , it may have social and psychological implications in their adult life.

There are other parents who cannot stop the march of these child woman.They may be too involved with their own activities or too busy working and left them to their own devices. Those child woman have a mind of their own .

Most parents do not impose clear boundaries and limits or what constitutes appropriate or inappropriate behaviours. If they are too strict , the child may run away from home.

They are growing up so fast and the world is changing .You cannot impose your generation's views and outdated ideas on them.

There is nothing much the mother can do unless she wants to lock her up in the cellar.

Doing that will only earn their anger and forced them to be rebellious.They need to be in tune with their friends or the new age criteria.

With all those technological advances , the electronic medias are churning out those extremely thin and glamourous images of those stars which is far from the realities of real life .

Those subliminal messages are causing them to have obsessions with their figures.

Today's children are much more aware and more intelligent and can find out about anything and everything from the internet.

Our children are being bombarded and inundated with those unrealistic images and being young , they are not emotionally matured enough to differentiate the realities of life. They would think that is the truth and would try to follow those high standards.

Because of those erroneous images, the children have develop anxieties
about their figures .They become very fashion conscious and want to follow the latest trends.

They think they are fat and not thin enough or not beautiful enough and many suffer from anorexia.

Reference and thanks to :-


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Husband visits hookers.

Some wives are too busy or blissfully unaware that their husbands are visiting hookers .

Their husbands are very foxy and able to hide and cover their nefarious activities from their unsuspecting spouses.

There are some who knows but just closed an eye and hide their heads under the sand like those ostrich. They may lose all if they confront him.

Women and men have different perspective when it comes to this issue.

For most men , they do not think it is wrong or unfaithful to their partners as they are married and remain faithful to them for life and this little episode is only a small drop in a big ocean.

They do not feel emotionally involved with the hookers but more out of a biological necessity.

They dumped their loads , have fun and then move on. It is like an entertainment to them and nothing more.

Women have a different concept and such acts are considered cheating in a marriage .

It is a betrayal of one's love and marriage vows. There can be no other woman except her in his life.

Most men do not see that unless the situation is reversed. What if your spouse visit a gigolo? He would definitely not allowed it or he would divorce her.

Some would say that visiting hookers is better than having a mistress or lover.

As long as he provides you with the opulent lifestyles , you should not rock the boat or your boat will sink to the bottom of the ocean. Women in such a position do not have much of a choice.

Women do not understand why the men need to visit hookers ? She is there to serve him.

They want to have the cake and eat it as well .They have a safety net and can always fall back when things don't work well.

Sometimes , it is their very nature. They like varieties and they get bored with eating steaks everyday.

They don't know why women raise such a ruckus when they are having a bit of fun on the sidelines. They have given everything in the marriage and are entitled to some fun now and then. I guess these men are still living in the dinosaur age.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why are you scared of your wife ....huh?

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Women may appear to be the weaker sex but they wield considerable power, influence and mental strength.Their spheres of influence permeates every where. They can be more ruthless than the men,manipulative ,very shrewd , astute and crafty. They can be very mean and bitch until you go crazy.A woman's wiles are legendary.

Marriage is about power ,money and sex. Who ever controls these departments will be the dominant leader.

It is not about physical strength because there are cases where big and macho men can wilt under the glare of their wives and become doormat for them to walk over.

Where the laws of the land favours the women,it is better to be on her good side .
Don't ever under estimate her for she can be very nasty when she wants to.

There is always a war of the sexes going on in this world.It may not be fought openly but perhaps underground or in the realm of the paranormal.

It is usually the men who leads but many of them have abdicated and relinquished their power and resign their fates to their partners.
They have lose their will to lead and she becomes an extension of his mother.

Fighting back is pointless as he may lose all his rights and perks he enjoys from her. Going to the dog house is not an interesting option and he would rather trade in his submissiveness than showing his bravado.

Most men do not want to nitpick with their wives and would rather let her have her way in almost everything to maintain the peace in the family.

She is without doubt the queen of the home and he would be wise to accede to her wants or he will have to deal with a neurotic woman.

It is unwise of him to press her ballistic missile buttons and start a war because he will be the bigger loser.

Woman are care givers and he would miss the comforts of the home, those great meals and the sex on demand.

They may put up a brave face or act nonchalant in front of others but some men are really scared of their dominant wives.
She has the final say in everything concerning the home and the family.

Most of these men come from a similar background where they have dominant mothers who controls them.
They subconsciously marry women who are like their mothers.
Once they are in this rut , it is very difficult for them to revolt and claim back the throne.

There is no way they can do that unless they are prepared to pay the ultimate and final price of breaking up the family.She has tasted the power and giving it up will not be easy.

In the Western world ,divorce is a nasty word because the men may lose 50 % or all of their properties and assets .

This is one of the chief reason why men allow themselves to be the victim out of their fears and vulnerabilities.It is the man's fault.
Blame it on the men for they put themselves in such a vulnerable position to be exploited by the women.Women will happily obliged

In any marriage , there should be mutual respect and understandings. A give and take situation or I'll scratch your back and you'll scratch mine.

Man are like wild stallions.They need to be domesticated and put a bit in his mouth and he will obey and will go where you want them .

Before rushing into a relationship ,make sure that you do not get involved with the wrong type of women or you will become her slave.

Are you scared of your wife or is your husband scared of you ? Only you alone knows the answer.


Do you shout and scream during sex ?

Do you moan ,groan, scream , shout and bang the bed while love making ?

You can be jailed for making excessive noises during love making if you live in the UK. Even if you on the T.V too loud can land you in troubles in the UK.

In other places, the law may not take any actions and you either have to bear with it or move to a new location.

This is considered anti social behaviour. She received warnings but ignored them and have landed in jail

She may love doing that but those noises can be a torture and very irritating to to others who live nearby.

If she lives alone in a deserted place, she could shout all she wants or maybe she should sound proof her room.

Some do enjoy it while many would rather prefer silence and quietness in the still of the night.

It can be an embarrassment when the noise is too loud and disturbs others.

Women are particularly sensitive about being too loud and letting others know what she is doing at that moment.

She might worry about whether the door is locked and is afraid that the children might just walk in while they were doing it.

She is also afraid of the sound levels and will control her partner to tone down when he goes overboard.

Her mind cannot simply concentrate on the love making and though physically they are there but their minds are else where.

It is like sex is only for his enjoyment while they feel that it is a duty for them .

This is particularly true for the older generations or our mother's generations.The younger generations may not share their mother's perspective.

You can moan , groan , shout ,scream and bang while having sex. Some may just emit soft moans and squeals of delights. Some will just turn off their speakers for fear of others who may hear them making love.

Reference and thanks to :-,22049,25397430-5001021,00.html


Monday, April 27, 2009

Can you be friends with his ex ?

It is not impossible but it will depend on the individuals and whether they have a lot in common.

It is like walking through a mine field and not knowing if you will live or die the next moment.

It is so fraught with all kinds of dangers and pitfalls and will not give you the peace and tranquility in your life.

Generally, it is very difficult to get along with each other because of the suspicion and the fear that they may go for each other again and discarding you by the wayside.

There is always a probability and you can never discount that. They may still have those latent feelings for each other . Just waiting for the right conditions for them to germinate.

When you have a thing, you do not know and appreciate the full value of it till it is gone. This is human nature.

Many woman after the separations have regrets about their divorce .If only they had tried harder and not given up easily.

Most women would try to avoid such a situation where the ex comes back into his life. He should not talk to or come into contact with her. Period.

Even though they may not have anymore feelings or love for each other. Still, it is better to remove the seeds of doubts if you want to lead a peaceful and loving existence with him

She may not want to control him and expects him to deal with it and if he fails, only then would she enter into the picture.

Women can be insecure creatures and they guard their turf from other marauding females.

The men should understand the woman's psychological fear of losing the battle to the ex. She will seek reassurance of her existence and his love for her.

The men may not feel what is going through her unless the shoe is on the other side.

Then they will feel the same and will understand the woman's perspective. That is normally the case when you mirror back to him and he will see your point .

Many a time, the men are not aware that they are plunging the invisible knife into their love's heart . For she dared not tell him and suffers in abject silence

Sometimes , it is not possible to just cut off from the ex because of the children.They may have to learn to accept reality and get along with each other as best as possible within certain predefined boundaries and limits.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sex affair just to spite the parents ?

This must be a very disconcerting news to many Malaysian parents.Their underage teenage girls are engaging in sex to spite them for their neglect or lack of love.

Many underage teenage girls are indulging in sex worldwide and this is probably due to the computer age and the lack of parental guidance and control .

The world is evolving quickly and as each succeeding generations comes,the standards and morality changes too.Traditional concepts and perspectives become history.

It is illegal and against the law to have sex with an under 16 year old girl in many countries and this is considered statutory rape even if the girl gives her consent.

Most parents are too busy with work and left their children to their own devices .

Some of them have rebelled against their parents for their neglect, emotional and physical abuses or their overtly strict upbringing.

When they did not get the love from their parents, they befriended those boys who lavish upon them praises , affections and treated them with pseudo respect .

Being young and immature, they did not know that those equally immature boys were only interested in having sex with them or treat them like objects only.

Love and emotions are very powerful forces and it is very difficult to control them. They do not know what they are dealing with and many will be victims of the circumstances .

They will have sex sooner or later either through curiosity or their stupidity or being forced upon by those boys who took advantage of their innocence and weaknesses.
Being ignorant and lacking in knowledge, they will engage in unsafe sex and get pregnant and subsequently having numerous abortions.

There are also syndicates who employ those young and handsome boys to woo those teenage girls to fall in love with them.

They would lavish them with love and expensive gifts and holidays and once those girls were hooked, they would sell her into prostitution.

Parents should take more interest and concern for their children. Do not be a money making machine only for there are many other things in life which also require your immediate attentions.

Be a mother, father and a friend and bring yourself down to their levels and see through their eyes.

Reference and thanks to :-


Are men only out for sex ?

Men think of sex every 52 seconds and some say every 7 seconds or nano seconds . LOL ! I don't know how far this is the truth.

They cannot help it because their minds are run on testosterone and this fertile hormone made them generate all those sexy thoughts in their brains.

Their brains cannot say no to those sexy thoughts . It pops in when all his senses are distracted and homes in on the trails and scents left by the females.

Not all men are out for sex only. It is wrong to infer that all what men want from woman is only sex .

There are some good men out there who wants a woman for more than sex only. It may be like looking for a golden needle under the oceans.LOL!
There are the good , the bad and the ugly one's.

They may not want sex at that moment but if they are served on a platter , it would be very hard for them to resist. Most men will fail the beauty trap.

Some men may think that women want or desire sex from them when what they wanted was love and understandings.

Men are just simple creatures and think with a single track mind.Sometimes they have difficulties reading your body language .

The way you dress, talk , smile and tease him may give him a wrong signal that you are begging for him to come on. She may not be aware that she is giving him the wrong signals.

If you are going to the bars and night clubs to look for men ,surely you do not expect them not to think of sex.

They are out there for a happy time with booze and sometimes drugs to keep them high and lose their shyness.

Many men do think of sex often but a good man will be able to control his lusty thoughts or base instincts.

He is only human and when he is in a particular situation, he is tempted beyond his control and succumbed to it.

Women should be careful not to be in a situation where they cannot control the events.


If he asked you to rate his tool ..

Some day you will be hit with this question from your partner and it pays to be prepared for this eventuality.

Most men worry about their penises.Will it be long enough , big enough and hard enough to satisfy and make her happy ?

Ever since they were small they would compare them with their friends and see who has got the biggest, longest or hardest and who could shoot the furthest.

The average man's penis is adequate for the job and how he uses it ,is more important than the size .

It is the technique in making the women orgasm and the ability to maintain their hardness is what counts. If a workman does not have the skills, a good tool will go to waste. It is no fun when they are not hard enough .

Due to their insecurities , self consciousness and ego , some of them may ask for their partner's opinion.

Should you tell him the truth or lie through your teeth?

There are some who says that 'SIZE 'does not matter because most women are reticent about it.

For some , size does matter as it fits in snugly and there is enough stimulation's.

If theirs is a skinny , weeny , little , teeny one's, then they would not feel anything and won't even know if it is inside of them or not.

You should watch out how you respond to that question . The men are very sensitive when it comes to their penis, performance or money.

Handle with delicate care for their feelings can be very brittle like thin glass and easily shattered.

You can tell him that his size is great and just right for you . Too big would be painful and too long is redundant as you cannot accommodate all of it.

Tell him that he is fantastic in bed and that you are satisfied .They need to be taught what are the things that will increase your pleasures.

Don't expect the men to know all for each and every woman reacts differently.

Reference and thanks to :-


Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Female Predators - Hyenas !

There is now a new breed of female predators ,younger,nubile ,more sexually aggressive,domineering and highly attractive .

It is not only the cougars that are after the younger boys, but the mean and younger hyenas that is on a predatory prowl for the 'meat' of those young men.

It is quite common in some societies, that the girls would daringly engage in sex or wild and kinky acts in front of a crowd.

Move over cougars, the hyenas are taking over the world. The cougars are the older women dating those younger men.

The hyenas are like those Succubus
(plural succubi) which is a demon who takes the form of a highly attractive woman to seduce men in their dreams.

It is like being possessed by a she devil or being haunted by her.

They draw their energy from the men until the point of exhaustion or death to the victim.

The hyenas are not very prevalent yet but there are evidence of their existence and their population maybe growing.

Today's females are having sex earlier and have no emotional hangovers or feel guilty about it.

It is like a game to them and they will collect scores for the number of virgin boys they deflowered or the number of boys they have slept with.

They place bets with each other to see who can score the highest and win.

This is the new equality between the sexes.The girls are becoming like the boys but are being more aggressive and more terrorizing.

They are learning to objectify the boys like what the boys are doing to the girls and treat them simply like an object to play and then to discard after it's usefulness has expired.

It is the pressure of living in this modern, culturally confusing and sex obsessed world and where all those traditional female role modals are being replaced with the female version of the male aggression.

Reference and thanks to :-


Should you have sex on your first date?

It is no big deal to some modern and liberated females, for whether you sleep with him on the first date or not. They are not bothered with the consequences or they are immune from the after effects.

It just happens after an enjoyable and happy evening .Some highly sexed females have no qualms about getting what they wanted from life.After all, this is the year 2009 and sex is not the prerogative of only the males.

Sometimes it is just circumstances and those men are very handsome and glib with their tongues.He is a lady killer who seduces the women and she falls for his trap.

It is better to know early and not waste too much time and efforts in a soon to be a failed relationship.If he is into you , he will stick around for more. You would then know his true colours whether he is the one for you or just for the sex alone .

If he is not interested or his motive is only to bed you he will just disappear after his conquest and will not call again.

Most guys view women as a conquest and once they have captured their prey ,they may lose interest and go looking for another new target.

Conservative females may feel that it is better to withhold the sex until the third or fourth date because to have sex on the first date is cheap.

If she is easily taken, the men may feel that the chase is too easy and that she is of loose character.

They may think that she is most probably having sex with all her male friends.The harder the chase , the more she is highly valued in his eyes.

They may just want to play around with her with no intentions of getting married.She becomes his plaything only.

For some , withholding sex can weed out those pretenders to the throne and only those who are for real will get to cross the finishing line.

If and when they break up, the girls may feel dirty , cheap , used and sometimes stupid. In the worst scenario , he may give her the craps or make her pregnant and her world would collapse.


Do you withhold sex from your partner ?

Do you use sex as a bargaining chip or as a reward or punishment ?

Generally but with exceptions, women tend to use her sex to reward or punish her partner.They may deny it but subconsciously they may not be aware of their actions..

When she is satisfied and contented, she would gladly give her favours to her partner. When she does not get her way or felt unloved, she would deny him and send him to live in the dog house to teach him a lesson.

In the past ,women would use their sex weapon while men would use the financial weapon to get what they wanted from their partners.

Today ,this is not working anymore as some women have considerable financial clout and the men do not have anymore bargaining chips.

Do women have any valid reasons to withhold sex from their partners ?

In some society, sex is a taboo during her menstruation period as it is considered unclean. They would abstain from sex during this time.

A scientific study have found that women are more 'frisky' during this period and sex is more enjoyable and stimulating.It would take the men to get used to seeing those strawberry jams .

When you have a serious argument with her, she would most probably be put off and if you come on forcefully , she will not enjoy the sex session ,but may feel violated or puke.

Women have a tendency to take any criticisms or arguments personally. They have this built in mechanism and if you want to be in her good books, you will need to resolve any thorny issues or differences and agree with her quickly before the sun goes down.It is not about who is right or wrong but the men should give way to her to make her feel better.

She will eventually know that she was in the wrong but will not admit it. It is about pride and her vanity. She does not like to be told that she was wrong.

In the Bible, we should not withhold sex to our partners unless we are sick or unwell. Our body belongs to our partners after marriage and we are one.Sex should not be used as a weapon to control or manipulate our partners.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Boobs - Love it or hate it!

Mother nature is kind and generous to all but many women would wish if mother nature would have given them a more fuller and sculptured figure.

Women have a love - hate relationship with their boobs. They are never satisfied with them.Either they are too small ,too big, unequal in shape or size, or not the right shape .

They look unsightly, repulsive, revolting ,un sexy and have an inferiority complex about them .

If they are granted a wish, most of them would asked for a pair of succulent, shapely and well endowed boobs. They would then feel like a complete woman.

In some develop countries, breast augmentation is the vogue these days as even very young girls go for them.

The media's portrayal and sensationalizing of this part of the female anatomy have given rise to this phenomenon.

We may have read more stories of women going for breast augmentations but recently there have been a reversing trend of women going for breast reductions.

They have those massive , heavy ,overweight,sagging and unspeakable mounts or lumps on their chest which felt very uncomfortable and give them lots of pain , backaches and psychological and mental problems.

Having very big boobs is like a sickness or disability .They cannot enjoy their life or be happy. The can be depressed and their life is upside down.

It may affect their health and the only recourse is to have a breast reduction to make them normal and happy again.

The original noble function of the breast is to nurse and provide the the young with nutrients.The child had to depend on the mother for all their needs.

With modernization and progress, the breast was accorded special and added importance or significance in the mating game .

Women have to decide by themselves if they really need a boob job .

If they are not very happy about their boobs and it affects their health and happiness then they should go for it.

Most men would just accept whatever the women decides. They may have a secret wish but the majority of men do not ask for a perfect women ,knowing that they are not perfect either.

Reference and thanks to:-


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Woman shot ,saved by her bra!

She is miraculously alive , unhurt and only grazed by the bullet,thanks to her bra.

It is a miracle for if the gun was aimed lower or higher, she could be gravely injured and may even lose her life .

Either she is incredibly lucky or God saved her.Being religious,I tend to believe that it is the latter.For all things happened because God allows it to happen.

The 57 year old woman went and look out her window when her neigbour's burglar alarm went off.

She was spotted by those burglars and one of them took aim and shot in her direction.

Those young burglars were mean and dangerous and even wanted to kill an old woman.Her inquisitiveness nearly killed her.

It was the underwire in her bra which deflected the shot.The bra is an important support device for the female breast.

The breast can swing from one extreme to another during sports or physical activities and can cause tears in the ligaments or tissues .

Those with larger breast will need the support of the bra or they will encounter discomfort and sometimes pain.While those with smaller breast can easily do without one.

Most underwire bra's are popular with women because they give strong support and the shape.

There can be a problem with underwire bra's when it is wrongly fitted, it can cause pinching and poking wires.

"It's important in an underwire bra that the wire encircles your breast completely. No spillage over the top or by the sides and a firm back and shoulder straps.

And it's not just about comfort. Wearing the wrong size can cause neck and back pain.

However, underwire bra's can pose a health problem.It is too long to explain here and I suggest you go to the link below to read in more detail.

Reference and thanks to :-,4136,199837,00.html?


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A daughter's love for her dementia mother....denied and trampled upon.

Many homeless and poor who lived on the streets do not have shelter or a place they can call home.

The government shelter is overflowing and there are no more places for those millions of homeless vagabonds roaming the streets.

Those who are lucky and able to pay ,were put into those commercially run care home.

This bizarre case is unfathomable and incomprehensible. The state social services with the police went and took back that old lady and put her back in the care home against the daughter's wishes.
The mother was unhappy at the care home and the daughter took her home to look after herself.
It is not free and the daughter have to pay £2,000-a-month to that care home for her upkeep.

It seems that the state has over ruled the decision of the daughter to take her mother from that care home to look after herself. The daughter will have to go to court to fight against the system.

Don't you think that it is an abuse of the state authorities to force it's citizen against their will? The daughter should be the best person to decide where her mother belongs.It is her responsibility alone and not some little Napoleons who lord over them.

This is certainly not right and proper to prevent the daughter from taking care of her own mother.
The state authorities decided what is best for you and you have no say in that issue whatsoever.

This is really frightening because power lies in the hands of those officials who decides your fate . If they failed to do the job, then you become another statistics.

Over here, the government encourages it's citizen to look after their aged parents themselves instead of sending them to those senior citizen's homes.

Due to the great amount of care and time needed to look after them , most children would send them to those care homes where they are well taken care off.

In the Asian society value, filial piety is a highly honoured tradition.

Our sympathies to her daughter.After she had done so much for her mother, it was still considered not enough.This is regrettable and a disgrace .

Reference and thanks:-


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A moment of insanity...

We all have moments of temporary insanity when our senses become dull and incapable of controlling our actions.The devil takes over and is in the driver's seat and goes head long at breakneck speed around those sharp corners.The consequences can be very frightening and terrible.

An innocent angelic 10 month old baby girl died when the father argued with his live in girlfriend and he threw her into the boiling water after being challenged by her.

They run a noodle factory in Taiwan.
He came back late after his delivery and had one drink too many .

His live in partner was carrying their baby while putting those noodles into the gigantic wok of boiling water.

An explosive and dangerous situation which only need a small spark to kaboom!!

She was probably very stressed and under pressure and she did not have the patience to wait for another opportune time to berate her partner.

No one would have expected the situation to turn deadly and if only that woman would have just kept her peace and not put that idea into his hare brain , the situation would have turned out differently.

Their lovely daughter would still be alive today. Now , she is gone and what a horrible way to depart from this world.

He was pushed over the cliff and he lost control . Some men do not take kindly to being challenged or insulted by women.

.Chinese men are more chauvinistic or have traditional and feudal mindset and they do not like being scolded or made to lose face.

They do not like being challenge or undermined on their authority as the head of the household.

It is wiser not to challenge anybody as you will force them to do what you precisely do not want them to.

Women will only lose if they do not know how to control their tongues. There are times when enough is enough and they should know when to shut their gap.

If they keep on spewing those vitriol, there will be disastrous consequences.

Most men cannot out argue a women and when they want to shut her up , they will use violence as a last resort. That is the way they learn how to settle things in their world.

Reference and thanks to :-


Indecent and obscene exhibition in public.

Two men engaging in a homosexual sex act in the lift and around the lift area in the dead of the night occurred recently and the video was posted online .

Why do they want to commit such an indecent act in the public?

Were they mentally sound or conscious of their infamous deeds.
Is it because of their exhibitionist nature or they wanted to to get famous or just to shock the nation.We do not know the real reasons and we can only speculate.
Anyone who does it need to have his head examined.

Such incidents are prevalent and not worth mentioning in the West but to happen in that Asian country is a bit shocking indeed. It is a sign of the times.

I remembered reading a news about a similar case from UK sometime back, where the woman with a kid was told to avoid walking there because those homosexuals were doing it behind the bushes.It was not against the law in that country.

They have laws against homophobia (Homosexuals + phobia = homophobia =prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality )

It is their right to do whatever they wanted with their own bodies in the secret of the locked bedroom or in private .

To exhibit in a public place , video and posted in the internet is rather a sham and challenges one's concept of a decent, respectable and law abiding country.

Perhaps these people are too ahead of their times while the whole country is still considered a conservative Asian society.

There are all kinds of weird and perverse things in the internet . Those two's antics looks mild and will only shock those who have never seen it before. That it was performed in a public place is definitely improper and indecent.

Sodomy is a crime in Malaysia. It still has that archaic law and you can be put into prison for 20 years.Even consensual oral sex is against the law .

Some of us may have seen those graphic pictures and feel outraged .It is grossly offensive to decency and morality , but who are we to judge those who engage in the same sex.

Reference and thanks:-,4136,199528,00.html?


Monday, April 20, 2009

Make love with the lights on ?

Woman's body comes in all shapes and sizes.Most men do not often get to see a real nude woman's body unless they are married or they party often and sleep around.

Most of the men do view naked woman from porn's online,DVD's or from sex magazines.

It is not the same thing because those women are not the average kind of woman.Their bodies are erotically engineered to appeal to the fantasies of men.

Women grow up with lots of inhibitions about their sexualities and their bodies.

It is not easy to dismantle all those mental roadblocks and only time will make her shed all those inhibitions .

Most women are harsh critics of their own bodies and even if they have a near perfect figure, they will still feel inadequate and inferior with some parts of her body.

They should know that everyone is unique and different and need to learn to appreciate and love and be proud of their own body.

They may not have a super model body and there is nothing to be ashamed off. How many men have the body like David Beckham?

Women should learn to flaunt their beautiful bodies. Make love not in complete darkness but in dim lights or better still with the lights on. He needs to see the whole you and satisfy his inner cravings .

Men have eyes but they do not have those critical and hawkish eyes like women who can see every flaws in another woman.

Though they have eyes, yet they see not and any man who criticizes her physical imperfections speaks not from true love.

True love is blind and whether her body is thin or fat , he will love her just the same.

If you are not happy with your body , go to the gym or exercise regularly which will tone up your body , reduce your size and increase your confidence and self esteem. You will look good, feel good , more healthy and your sex life would be sizzling hot!

Reference and thanks to :-


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do guys like fake boobs ?

Some females wanting to please and make their partners happy would go for those fake boobs. They feel that they are not good enough for their men and to them big is better, sexy and beautiful.

There are others who felt a necessity for it because they lack the confidence and low self esteem. A boob job would cure them of any inferiority complex and make them happy and if that is the case,she has every right to do it as it is her body .We should respect her decision.

Even though they do not say it aloud, men love boobs, whether they are big , small or fake. Their eyes will never miss focusing on every boobs that come within their visual range.

They will check it out if it is a real McCoy or a silicone one. Getting to know the difference and how to spot them is like studying for a degree.They do not use silicon implants anymore but saline solution. It is like putting two balloons filled with saline solutions to increase the size of the boobs.

Natural is always beautiful but not everyone has the same taste or outlook.
There may look attractive and appealing but whether it will give the same enjoyment when you kiss them, suck them and squeeze them is another matter.

Looks good but feels let down.Anything more than a hand's full or mouthful is surplus and redundant.

Big is not always beautiful and they can be be a pain in the ass. You may get all those stares but when you let them down , it will droop and appear repulsive .

Not all guys care about your breast size. They may imagine or fantasize about the perfect breast in their dreams but most guys are realistic and do not love a girl just for her breasts alone.

It is her character, personality ,attitude and confidence which will attract him in the long run.

Original is the best and be comfortable with what you have got.No one is perfect and it is the media people through the unrealistic portrayal of those standards which make us feel like we are flawed .

We should be judged not on looks but on content and personality.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Botched boob jobs.

Boobs are synonymous with women.For some women , it can be a big significance to them in their life.

Without it, they would not feel like a complete woman. Those who have it may not understand those who do not have it.

They may increase their self esteem and confidence and find success easily because of it.

Most women are never satisfied with their boobs or bodies and imagine or magnify their defects. That is why the majority of women prefer to make love in the dark.

Why do women feel that they need to have to increase their boob size ?

Do they do it to attract the men or have a secret wish to gloat inside of them that they are better or superior to another women?

Teenagers and woman all over the world are getting breast enhancements. Most are considering it as the cost has come down and furthermore ,you can get loans for that kind of operation.

Before you want to go under those scalpel to make yourself perfect, think carefully because you may reach the point of no return.

You cannot turn back or undo what God has given you. Plastic surgeons are not God.

You only hear of those successful cases and not those botched jobs .Not all of them come out satisfied with the operations.

You may have to bear an incredible amount of pain to achieve that perfect figure. Is it really worth it ?

Some of those boobs are badly scared, lopsided or misshapen.When that happens , your state is worse off than before and you will have nowhere to hide .

Not all men love a women solely for the size of her boobs. You would not want a man to love you because of your boobs. That would be a very shallow kind of love which will not last.

Perhaps, most people have unrealistic or impossible expectations.

Reference and thanks to :-,22049,25350856-5001021,00.html


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

She sells her body on the internet.

An 18 year old Singaporean girl has advertised her services in an adult forum on the internet so that she will be able to raise funds to pay for her school fees.

Lately, there has been an explosion of such news about Singaporean girls going nude and posting their pictures online.

This reminds me of another famous case of a Malaysian child maths prodigy ,M/s Sufiah Yusof who at 13 went to Oxford University in the UK and later graduate to be a high class hooker.
She was working as a £130-an-hour prostitute while studying for a masters in economics.

Is it the glamorous life and the lucrative takings which pulled them to it like flies attracted to those bright lights?

She might go full time when she discovers that her beauty is worth much more than her intellect.

Why study so hard for a degree when you only get pittance and not being able to enjoy the life on the fast lane?

Even some graduates moonlight as social escorts to fast track and get what they wanted in life.

It is very fortunate in the present circumstances for the Malaysians to be able to get loans easily for further studies. Otherwise, there would be similar cases like her which may go unreported.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to know the truth as you cannot ascertain whether what you see is what you get. There are so many scams online .

Reference and thanks to :-


Monday, April 13, 2009

Would you wear a padded bra or a pushed up bra ?

What is the difference ,you may ask?

Padded bras are simply padding's which comes together with the bra or you stuff tissues or stockings inside the lining.
It's purpose is to make the breast looks bigger a half or one cup fuller than the original smaller size.
Most padded bras support the breasts but do not significantly lift them.

Push-up bras are structured so that the breasts are lifted and placed closer together to enhance the cleavage.

The invention of the "Wonder bra" has revolutionized the feel good factor in women.They can now have the fuller look and enhanced their natural gift and increase their self esteem and confidence.

Ingenious girls would also know how to use those duct tapes to magically uplift those assets to create deep valleys where there was none.

How you would view this phenomenon depends on whether you like to dress up for yourself or you like to dress up for others.

The men may have different viewpoints and some may not like the idea when they discover the truth.

It is entirely a woman's choice what type of bra she wears. Most women dress to make themselves feel good.

Those push-up bra can enhance and give them the desired look. Looks are very important as the male of the species are attracted by visuals. To deny this would be hypocritical of them.

So many things are fake these days and you may discover your prospective partner may have fake eyelashes,eyes,nose, ears, teeth, boobs, bottoms and whatnot's.

When you are attracted to them or fall in love with them , you will become blind and cannot see her real self. Love is blind and after you are married to them,you will only discover their hidden secrets.

Is it wrong to give the breast a boost?

Reference and thanks to :-


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Boobs getting bigger!

Breasts are getting bigger and bigger and this news must be comforting to the millions of women who have small breasts.

Whether you are those lucky one's who are blessed with the increased measurements or not, there is hope for those who feel that they have small breasts to find the way to increase theirs without going for those expensive breast augmentations.

The breasts of Aussie women and British women are getting larger than their predecessors. There could be other nationalities too who have not been reported or researched by those press.

40% of the Aussie women are going for DD or larger sizes. People are getting taller , bigger and smarter and boobs are correspondingly increasing in size due to the obesity, contraceptive pills and artificial or synthetic hormones.

Artificial or natural estrogen hormones can be found in foods, plastics and cosmetics had also contributed to the growth spurt.

It is quite natural to expect those obese women to have huge boobs but what is surprising is that we are seeing a greater number of skinny girls with well endowed boobs !

Not all those women are happy or contented with those astronomical and gigantic sizes as it can be backbreaking and painful to lug those heavy weights around.

She would be like lugging two heavy dumbbells permanently attached to her chest and curtailing her physical movements especially in sports or exercises .Those breast can swing and extend considerably, causing them to feel painful and very uncomfortable.

Trying to walk or run would be like doing a fine balancing act on a tight rope.
Some of them would go for breasts reductions.

According to The Sunday Telegraph reports,"Modern breasts are getting so large, that some bra companies are introducing the "K" size after the "J"( Jumbo!)."

Anyway not all men are obsessed with the boobs. With or without those boobs, it is love which will carry their loving relationships to the end of the world.

Boobs are not forever and they will droop and succumb to the gravity when one grows old.

Enjoy and appreciate what you have and look for someone who really loves you for who you are and not some physical attributes which does not last forever.

Reference and thanks to :-,27574,25290859-36398,00.html



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