Thursday, April 30, 2009

Little children are turning into mini adults.

Young in body but having the mentality of an adult woman. It is like a 10 years old girl impatiently wishing to have the body of an 18 years old.
They are growing up too fast and may well burnt out when they reach 25.

Whatever has become of these young girls?

These breed of young girls as young as 10 are thinking of boys ,dates, sex ,diets,make ups, manicure and breast implants.

They are no more interested in those normal activities that girls of their age do.

Their well to do parents indulge them and spends large sums of money on their outfits, shoes , handbags ,accessories and beauty treatments .

At this early age, they have develop such a spendthrift attitude and what would happen when they graduate and their incomes cannot sustain their
materialistic lifestyles?

They may have felt that their daughter have special talents and deserves the best and probably wanted them to become top class models .

These girls are maturing at a very fast pace and may have leap frog the childhood phase in their life.

Children should be allowed to be children and allow them to develop at their own pace. If we forced them to become adults too quickly , it may have social and psychological implications in their adult life.

There are other parents who cannot stop the march of these child woman.They may be too involved with their own activities or too busy working and left them to their own devices. Those child woman have a mind of their own .

Most parents do not impose clear boundaries and limits or what constitutes appropriate or inappropriate behaviours. If they are too strict , the child may run away from home.

They are growing up so fast and the world is changing .You cannot impose your generation's views and outdated ideas on them.

There is nothing much the mother can do unless she wants to lock her up in the cellar.

Doing that will only earn their anger and forced them to be rebellious.They need to be in tune with their friends or the new age criteria.

With all those technological advances , the electronic medias are churning out those extremely thin and glamourous images of those stars which is far from the realities of real life .

Those subliminal messages are causing them to have obsessions with their figures.

Today's children are much more aware and more intelligent and can find out about anything and everything from the internet.

Our children are being bombarded and inundated with those unrealistic images and being young , they are not emotionally matured enough to differentiate the realities of life. They would think that is the truth and would try to follow those high standards.

Because of those erroneous images, the children have develop anxieties
about their figures .They become very fashion conscious and want to follow the latest trends.

They think they are fat and not thin enough or not beautiful enough and many suffer from anorexia.

Reference and thanks to :-


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