Friday, May 15, 2009

Men are lazy ....?

Are the men getting more lazy or have they always been lazy in the dating scene?

It is in their upbringings which shaped their minds.
The men are a privilege lot because most mothers give them special preferential treatments over the girls.

The girls have to do all kinds of work in the home and even taking care of their brothers needs.

The world has changed and is no more the same with women working in droves along side with the men.The modern phenomenon of working women have given rise to new problems in bilateral relationships.

It has given them the financial muscles as well as the independence to do whatever they wanted . They could call the shots now.

With shows like , Sex and the cities leading the way, the new lifestyles of those city girls became the vogue.

The new freedom have altered the woman's perceptions and expectations of men.
They have discarded their traditional concepts of a subservient wife and now seeks equality in a long term relationship.

Believing in this new ideals but yet expecting the men to still woo them in the traditional way. They can choose the new or the traditional ideals whenever it suited them.It is like having the cake and eating it, wanting the best from both worlds.

They expect the men to always foot the bills or they would fail her test and he will be considered unworthy as a potential mate.Women pay particular attentions to minor details for they tell a lot about a person. They were born that way and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

They have too many unrealistic conditions that most men would fail and what's in it for the men ? They can get sex from those FWB or those loose moral women or hookers.

In the past ,for the men , it was about trying to win a girl to be your life long partner , to cook , clean, wash, take care of them and have children. This was the basic ideals of marriage.

Today's modern and liberated women do not want to clean , wash and cook or do all those household chores like their mothers.They would rather hire some help since they can afford it. It is a drudgery and it would better serve them if they use their 'gifts' in their careers.

Their priority is scaling the ladder of success and everything is secondary. Their ambitions know no bounds.They are caught in that fast lane and have no time to slow down or get off.

The general perception from the females is that the men are getting laid back and allowing the females to do most of the chasing in the new dating game. It is either that or they will remain as a wall flower left on the shelf.

The present generations of women are expected to pay for dates or split the bill, make the first move, making the phone calls and being the aggressor or initiator in the bed room.

The reason for this is probably the feminization of the males due to the contamination's of those female hormones in the food chains and from those packaging materials.

A role reversal which most females are unfamiliar with .They have been at the receiving end since the ages and with today's changes in the socio-economic situations, the playing fields have shifted.

Since she is working like the men and seeking equality , she is expected to shoulder those burdens equally with the men.Why should she be treated differently?

Men and women do not think alike for they are wired differently and women like excitement and romance in their relationships, while men look for comfort and familiarity. They may not share in their interests or activities but are expected to take at least an interest in each others activities. Those common activities are dining out,shopping,movies, social parties,and company functions.

Being together entails some sacrifice and compromise .

Let's hear from the man's perspective .

Reference, thanks and related topics :-


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