Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beware the body snatchers !

About 400 people , mostly single and elderly people have disappeared and gone missing in this part of Southern China .

You can see missing person posters everywhere as their next of kins are trying to look for them.Their bodies have not been found and they have vanished into thin air.

Their relatives could not understand who would want to kidnap those elderly people and they were perplexed with many questions.

Have they been captured by aliens ? Why only the single and elderly people have gone missing?

The mysteries of the disappearance has been solved.

In the country of Jieyang in Canton, the government has decreed that all death must be created . Traditional burial was outlawed.

Cremation is good as it frees up space which can be used for many useful purposes especially in a very populated country like China.

They were kidnapped, killed and sold as substitutes for the dead ;whose relatives did not like the forced cremation imposed by the state.

They had no choice due to their superstitions and beliefs.In their cultural beliefs, if a body is burnt the spirit will be angry and misfortune will befall the descendants.It is like you have killed them and they do not have a second life in the after world. There are some who even do not believe in donating their organs as they will without a complete body in the after world.

If they are given the proper rituals and buried, the deceased will be contented and will protect them and give them the numbers to strike the lottery.

This law has created a black market demand for corpses which can be used to substitute those who do not like cremations due to their strong cultural beliefs.

Where to find that many corpses ?

Demand exceeded supply and those local gangs had to find more corpses and they preyed on the living elderly people .

Seems like the people there want to be rich even to the extent of killing the elderly people to sell their bodies,
charging 10,000 yuan (almost £1,000).They have no scruples and neither care about whether others are alive or dead as long as they can be rich in the quickest time.

The government did not study the law in further details and this has caused the disappearance of many elderly people.

This is a horrendous and tragic situation and I hope the authorities there will do something about the predicaments of those elderly people.

Reference and thanks to :-


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