Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why are you scared of your wife ....huh?

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Women may appear to be the weaker sex but they wield considerable power, influence and mental strength.Their spheres of influence permeates every where. They can be more ruthless than the men,manipulative ,very shrewd , astute and crafty. They can be very mean and bitch until you go crazy.A woman's wiles are legendary.

Marriage is about power ,money and sex. Who ever controls these departments will be the dominant leader.

It is not about physical strength because there are cases where big and macho men can wilt under the glare of their wives and become doormat for them to walk over.

Where the laws of the land favours the women,it is better to be on her good side .
Don't ever under estimate her for she can be very nasty when she wants to.

There is always a war of the sexes going on in this world.It may not be fought openly but perhaps underground or in the realm of the paranormal.

It is usually the men who leads but many of them have abdicated and relinquished their power and resign their fates to their partners.
They have lose their will to lead and she becomes an extension of his mother.

Fighting back is pointless as he may lose all his rights and perks he enjoys from her. Going to the dog house is not an interesting option and he would rather trade in his submissiveness than showing his bravado.

Most men do not want to nitpick with their wives and would rather let her have her way in almost everything to maintain the peace in the family.

She is without doubt the queen of the home and he would be wise to accede to her wants or he will have to deal with a neurotic woman.

It is unwise of him to press her ballistic missile buttons and start a war because he will be the bigger loser.

Woman are care givers and he would miss the comforts of the home, those great meals and the sex on demand.

They may put up a brave face or act nonchalant in front of others but some men are really scared of their dominant wives.
She has the final say in everything concerning the home and the family.

Most of these men come from a similar background where they have dominant mothers who controls them.
They subconsciously marry women who are like their mothers.
Once they are in this rut , it is very difficult for them to revolt and claim back the throne.

There is no way they can do that unless they are prepared to pay the ultimate and final price of breaking up the family.She has tasted the power and giving it up will not be easy.

In the Western world ,divorce is a nasty word because the men may lose 50 % or all of their properties and assets .

This is one of the chief reason why men allow themselves to be the victim out of their fears and vulnerabilities.It is the man's fault.
Blame it on the men for they put themselves in such a vulnerable position to be exploited by the women.Women will happily obliged

In any marriage , there should be mutual respect and understandings. A give and take situation or I'll scratch your back and you'll scratch mine.

Man are like wild stallions.They need to be domesticated and put a bit in his mouth and he will obey and will go where you want them .

Before rushing into a relationship ,make sure that you do not get involved with the wrong type of women or you will become her slave.

Are you scared of your wife or is your husband scared of you ? Only you alone knows the answer.


Tekkaus said...

Haha :D Sometimes...I'm scared of my wife..I'm scared that I will make her angry...I'm scared that I'll upset her... All in all! I love her and the only thing I want for my wife is her to be happy. Hence I have lots of respect for her rather than plain scares. :D

Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318 said...

If you are scared of her , she can be more scarier than you . LOL!

Women have this deep seated insecurities about marriage. She is scared that one day you will dump her and marry another.

Marco said...

I let my wife to have the final say because I love her. As long as she is happy, I'm alright.

Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318 said...

You make her happy and she will in turn give her best to you. It is better to have a happy wife than a sad wife.

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