Monday, April 27, 2009

Can you be friends with his ex ?

It is not impossible but it will depend on the individuals and whether they have a lot in common.

It is like walking through a mine field and not knowing if you will live or die the next moment.

It is so fraught with all kinds of dangers and pitfalls and will not give you the peace and tranquility in your life.

Generally, it is very difficult to get along with each other because of the suspicion and the fear that they may go for each other again and discarding you by the wayside.

There is always a probability and you can never discount that. They may still have those latent feelings for each other . Just waiting for the right conditions for them to germinate.

When you have a thing, you do not know and appreciate the full value of it till it is gone. This is human nature.

Many woman after the separations have regrets about their divorce .If only they had tried harder and not given up easily.

Most women would try to avoid such a situation where the ex comes back into his life. He should not talk to or come into contact with her. Period.

Even though they may not have anymore feelings or love for each other. Still, it is better to remove the seeds of doubts if you want to lead a peaceful and loving existence with him

She may not want to control him and expects him to deal with it and if he fails, only then would she enter into the picture.

Women can be insecure creatures and they guard their turf from other marauding females.

The men should understand the woman's psychological fear of losing the battle to the ex. She will seek reassurance of her existence and his love for her.

The men may not feel what is going through her unless the shoe is on the other side.

Then they will feel the same and will understand the woman's perspective. That is normally the case when you mirror back to him and he will see your point .

Many a time, the men are not aware that they are plunging the invisible knife into their love's heart . For she dared not tell him and suffers in abject silence

Sometimes , it is not possible to just cut off from the ex because of the children.They may have to learn to accept reality and get along with each other as best as possible within certain predefined boundaries and limits.


Tekkaus said...

It depends on the manner of "break up"! :D

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