I will not delve here the horrors of describing such a procedure here , for you can go to this link and read all the details there.
(Warning: That article includes some rather graphic descriptions, so if you are squeamish you may not want to read it.)
In this present generations , young girls are engaging in sexual activities which can cause them to have unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Many have opted for abortions as they are too young to understand about parenthood and the financial cost of bringing up the child .
Girls as young as 16 or below are making their own decisions to abort without their parents knowledge.
Some of them have multiple abortions in a year or in their life and treat it like a contraceptive method without any disregards to the young life.
We all know that life begins at conception with the formation of an embryo. It is a living thing which may not look in human form at first look but will slowly grow in that direction.
In today's world, those who go for abortions do not understand the gravity of the situation . Their conscience or the lack of it accounts for the record rise in the number of abortions. It seems like the prevailing social custom is to have abortions without any considerations of the young life in making. This is very sad
There maybe people who said they did not regret it but we know that it is not the real truth. The regret and remorse will be with them all their life. The guilt will forever haunt them.
Abortion in the true sense is the killing of a defenseless and innocent life. No amount of words can hide this tragic procedure. Life is sacred .
Those who did not abort found their happiness when the baby was born.
Reference and thanks to :-
Pix of embryo, courtesy of :-
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Horrors of Partial Birth Abortion
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Practice safe sex .
Many of today's teens do not receive sex education and are not aware of the dangers of STD's or STI's or knowledgeable about conceptions . As a result ,there is a phenomenal rise in the spread of STD's and unwanted abortions in the world around us.
A sexually transmitted disease (STD) or venereal disease (VD), is an illness due to the transmission between humans or animals by means of sexual contact, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. All types of sexual activity between two people carry some STD risk.
It can also be transmitted via the use of an IV drug needle after its use by an infected person,tattoo's, blood transfusions, as well as through childbirth or breastfeeding. Some of these STD are chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes,gonorrhea , syphilis and AIDS which has no cure at the present.
There are an estimated 33 million people with AIDS worldwide.Nearly half of all AIDS cases in the U.S. involve people 13 to 24 years of age. Many people are HIV positive and do not know it. The incubation period is six months. Some people may have aids and do not suffer any ill effects in the initial stages.
Many uninformed people think that they can get the STD's only from vaginal sex , not knowing that they are still at risk when they engage in "noncoital" sexual activities such as oral sex, mutual masturbation and anal sex .
Those who visit prostitutes , most often do not use condoms and they do not seemed concern for their own health.They think that getting AIDS is like striking the lottery and when they got it , they regretted and became remorseful .
The age for sex is getting younger and younger through each succeeding generations and it is not surprising that even 12 years old or below are asking or have already engaged in the sex acts.The kids are getting smarter and can learn from the internet and all those chat groups and forums online.
Most people, including adolescents, are unlikely to use condoms during oral sex, which places them at risk for acquiring an STD.
The modern day society is permissive and very open and having too many partners is another factor for the spread of STD's. It will be like playing the game of musical chairs and if you are unlucky you will get the STD.
Reference and thanks to ;-
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Women say they want their partner to be honest. Is this the real truth?
Yes and No !You cannot be too truthful and honest all the time with women.You will be too boring and predictable and may end up being a lonely old man . LOL!
You will only put your relationship into peril and if you want to make her happy and keep getting laid , you should take care to say only positive things about her and make her feel she is the only 'WOMAN!' in your life.
They want you to be honest and true but if you listen to them , you will know that it is wiser sometimes to tell a white lie than to tell her the brutal truth.
There are times when she is not interested in the truth but only wants to hear what she wants to hear. If you tell her what she wants to hear, you will validate her thoughts and you will be closer or your bonds with her will strengthened further.
Most men do not think deeply or analyze their thoughts before speaking it out. They just let it out without any filter and then when the women reacts negatively or withdraws, will they realize the consequences of their harsh and insensitive words.
It is often a surprise to the men and they blame the women for being fickle minded, for she can change her directions 180 degrees all of a sudden. This can be very perplexing to those men and they will scratch their heads and wonder what they did wrong.
The men believed it must be their hormones which caused them to wild swings from the height of ecstasy to the depth of hell.
They are used to communicating with their male friends in that way and they sometimes forget that they are speaking to a different species who are more sensitive and forever asking in their minds or analyzing every words that comes out of his mouth.
A man may just say a simple statement and think nothing about it while the women will try to analyze what is behind the motives for saying that . She may even torture herself trying to find the correct meanings to his real intentions .
Women don't lie , they only tell half truths. If she caught you telling a lie, your credibility will be shot to pieces . You will face a very uphill task trying to convince her. There are only certain situations where you can lie to her and be forgiven ....
Related topic:-
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Are women silly ?
What do you really mean by being silly ? There are silly women as well as silly men among us and sometimes they can be a pain in the a$$.
According to the dictionary.com , a silly person is a weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish,absurd; ridiculous; irrational, a lack of wisdom,lacking seriousness or responsibleness or frivolous.
Ask most men and they will tell you that women are more silly than them. You cannot blame them because women are totally different species from them and speak in a strange and secret language.
They will say one thing and then leave you to decipher what they mean or expect you to read what is in their train of thoughts. The men should pay attention not only in those words that comes out of her mouth but the real meaning of those words in action.
It is a surprise that most women are born and think alike and if you know how a woman thinks, then you are pretty safe from saying or doing the wrong things.
It is not easy to understand a woman and some men just give up and accept that she is just a 'woman' and what women stand for . Period! Women are too complex for the men to understand and even for the women sometimes.
It is like wanting to say a lot of words but putting them into a micro dot like those secret agents when they send their reports back to their headquarters.
The men should then understand the woman's code for his own good. Do not take her words at face value when you are talking to any woman. If you want to be in her good books, you ought to learn what are the appropriate words or actions to take .
It may take a lifetime to learn about them but it is well worth the efforts as you will be well rewarded for your pains and sacrifices.
Most women are talkers and sometimes, their silliness shows when they blabber on and on .It can be tiring on the ears and some men have built in a defense against it by pretending to hear while their minds are elsewhere.
Reference and thanks to :-
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cooking is nonsense !
It is very fortunate for most of us that the price of petrol have come down recently to below US$60.00, from a high of US$150.00. Otherwise, we will have to follow this woman's lifestyle.
Though the petrol price has gone down a lot, many of the prices for foodstuffs and services have resisted the downtrend or only gone down a bit and does not commensurate with the drastic drop in the oil price.
She has lived for 35 years without eating cooked food !!!!! Thus saving her a huge monetary benefits by not using gas or more electricity for the cooking .
How many of us can survive without cooked food? It is a matter of taste. Cooked food may taste better but loses some of the vitamins through the process of cooking. Eating fruits and raw vegetable is good for the body.
We cannot be eating raw fish or meat but in some cold countries, they do eat them raw. We can have the Japanese sushi which contains raw fish and fresh oysters, which can be very expensive in some places.
The only way in which we will have to follow her diet would be, if we are carpet bombed or a major catastrophic war breaks out and forced us to go back to the stone age.
She feeds on a diet of nuts, raw fruits and wheatgerms and does not drive, use the washing machine ,watch T.V or take a bath!!!!!! This is like going back into the past before all those inventions.
Some day it may become a reality if Armageddon comes and the world is destroyed. Then if you survive that holocaust, you may learn to live like her.
For now, thanks but no thanks to her way of life. I would rather enjoy what the world can offer me and die a happy person even if it a shorter life.
Food ! Food ! Aaah! And all those glorious and delicious food. For many are gluten's. The food is available 24 hours and everywhere in my country.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm not ready for a relationship?
You probably would have heard this once too many times or their equivalent of that they want to be alone when they want to leave you .
It is an often used excuse to tell you that they are no more into you and are opting out. They do not see any future with you and by saying those words, they hoped to cushioned the impact of their leaving you in the dumps. Those are just sugar coated words to minimize the hurt and make you feel better .
It is better this way than to be blunt and telling you directly into your face that they do not like you anymore or some words to that effect. Many men cannot bring themselves to tell you the truth as they do not want to hurt you .They started it and they want to end it . You were like a ball to enjoy and to throw away when he has lost interest in you.
They do not really mean what they say as they will soon be seen in the arms of another girl. Do not be surprised or baffled because they say one thing but do another.
If you hear those words from the men, it means that you are not his kind of girl and he wants to be a friend only and nothing more.This is the way men talk.
Every relationship starts off like a good fairy tale . They fall in love and when the magic dust disappears, they see each others faults . They have reached the watershed in their relationship and have to decide to continue on the same road or to go different ways.
There could be many reasons why the men want to break off the relationship.It could be boredom or that he found something about you which he does not like or he found somebody better or simply , he is the non committal type.
Whatever the case, they have come to a dead end or a mental road block and must part. The end of a short and sweet love, for parting is such sweet sorrow or tears of joys.
He is not destined for you and that's it. Get over it and move on with your life.
Reference and thanks to :-
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Girl, 13, wins legal right to die !
It is very sad and tragic when one gives up all hope of living and decide to end one's life. Hannah Jones, from Marden near Hereford,UK, has a hole in her heart meaning it can only pump a fraction of its normal capacity.
She had enough of the medical treatments and spurned a heart transplant . There is nothing the hospital or authorities can do in her case if she decided to let go and die . There is no law to compel her to have a heart transplant . She has a terminal heart condition.
If she chose to reject modern medicine and no amount of persuasions can change her decisions, we can only respect her and hope that she will find the peace and tranquility for the last days of her life.
Do you agree with her decisions ?
She has decided that she will not go for a heart transplant and leave everything to fate. Her parents and many others have expressed their opinions and agreed with her decisions. This is really sad when there are medical solutions to help her to stay alive.
Can a 13 years old have the mental faculty to think what is good for herself? Can she understand the full implications of her decision? Is she mentally able to think what is right or wrong? Should her parents agree with her wish ? She maybe 13 but her maturity belies her age.I as a parent would not accept my children's opinion and she is incapable of making a right decision at that young age.
Over in this part of the world where I live ,one would try everything possible to live until there is no more alternatives . You do not give up the will to live or survive until you have run out of options . Only those who are too poor who cannot afford those expensive treatment will resigned to their fate. Even if one is poor and if they need financial help , they can always seek donations from the public through the newspapers.
Right or wrong, it is her decision and her parents who accepted her wishes. Our hearts go out for her and we can only pray that she will make the right decisions and hope for divine interventions.
There must be a will to live and to fight against all odds and if there is none ,we will just let life slip away.
Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence. - Lin Yutang:
Reference and thanks to ;-
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Real or bogus cops ?
A heroic and brave teenager lost his life while trying to catch some snatch thieves. It is a very sad day and our hearts goes out to him and his family for their great loss.
He went to the aid of the victim when he heard the victim's cries for help but unknown to him , it seems like a four men team of snatch thieves on two motor bikes were on the prowl.
While chasing after the first pair, a second pair coming from behind him , kicked his bike ,causing him to fall and knock his head against the road divider. He succumbed to his injuries .
The first pair were dressed in police uniform and pretended to check on the victim's identity by asking her for her ID card. Then one of them snatched her purse and they scooted off.
I am not sure if they are real cops or bogus ones. There are rogue cops who moonlight as snatch thieves.
If we are stopped by any uniformed or plainclothes policeman, the first thing we need to do is to ask for their authority card and take note of their serial numbers before we do anything they asked .
You will know if they are real or bogus policeman and then take the appropriate actions. If they are aggressive or threatening then most probably they are bogus cops because real policeman would be polite and civil.
In another case, two snatch thieves in police uniform stopped a man and asked for his identification card and was slapped before they snatched his wallet. The modus operation was the same as the above case.
If anyone is planning to go after a snatch thief, beware , they do not work alone and most probably in pairs and they may carry offensive weapons on them.
Do not go after them alone, try to get some help or take note of the clothes or the face or the make of his motorbike. The numbers on the motorbike is most probably a false number.
Sometimes what is stolen is not worth the risk .It maybe a few $$$ in her bag and a life is wasted in this case.. It would be safer to keep your money in your pockets or secret compartments and carry an inexpensive handbag just for your other things.
Be alert always, the moment you alight from your vehicle. Survey the scene and if you see a man on a motorbike , be careful.His accomplice is probably nearby waiting for the unsuspecting victim to strike.
Reference and thanks to :-
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