Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Women say they want their partner to be honest. Is this the real truth?

Yes and No !You cannot be too truthful and honest all the time with women.You will be too boring and predictable and may end up being a lonely old man . LOL!

You will only put your relationship into peril and if you want to make her happy and keep getting laid , you should take care to say only positive things about her and make her feel she is the only 'WOMAN!' in your life.

They want you to be honest and true but if you listen to them , you will know that it is wiser sometimes to tell a white lie than to tell her the brutal truth.

There are times when she is not interested in the truth but only wants to hear what she wants to hear. If you tell her what she wants to hear, you will validate her thoughts and you will be closer or your bonds with her will strengthened further.

Most men do not think deeply or analyze their thoughts before speaking it out. They just let it out without any filter and then when the women reacts negatively or withdraws, will they realize the consequences of their harsh and insensitive words.

It is often a surprise to the men and they blame the women for being fickle minded, for she can change her directions 180 degrees all of a sudden. This can be very perplexing to those men and they will scratch their heads and wonder what they did wrong.

The men believed it must be their hormones which caused them to wild swings from the height of ecstasy to the depth of hell.

They are used to communicating with their male friends in that way and they sometimes forget that they are speaking to a different species who are more sensitive and forever asking in their minds or analyzing every words that comes out of his mouth.

A man may just say a simple statement and think nothing about it while the women will try to analyze what is behind the motives for saying that . She may even torture herself trying to find the correct meanings to his real intentions .

Women don't lie , they only tell half truths. If she caught you telling a lie, your credibility will be shot to pieces . You will face a very uphill task trying to convince her. There are only certain situations where you can lie to her and be forgiven ....

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