Monday, August 18, 2008

The China Women


When you think of the China woman in this part of the world , you would inevitably have an unfavourable and stereotype concept of them.

Most of them whom you have met or heard or seen are here to make money by hook or crook and send them back to support their poor and aged  parents or sick and unemployed husbands and young children back home

They are here on a mission and whatever it takes them to do , even selling their souls to the devil , they will try their very best to achieve their aims and objectives.

They are different in look and mannerisms of the local Chinese women in Malaysia.Sometimes the lines do blurred as they blend in with the local population.

Most of those China women are young and they are very hot and moved in groups with their country women or with their pimps or escorts.

While the more popular Vietnamese women are here to stay, the China women are only here for a short stint to make as much money as possible before her time is up.

They are like the Indonesian maids, the Filipino maids who have to leave their country because of the lack of opportunities for them to earn a decent living .

Those China girls do not want to be maids as they cannot earn much.

They would rather do anything to get rich quick and the only job available for them is to engaged in the oldest profession which pays handsomely in the shortest time .

  The older ones  may find another easier job by living as a mistress to those middle aged and pot bellied men who will keep them until their money ran out. 'No money no honey.'

This created a lot of social problems in the society with the men getting divorced or neglecting their duties to their spouse.

The new ones will be brought in to work as guest relation officer (GRO ) in those night clubs and Karaoke joints or pubs .

It is just a front for prostitution as two willing adults can do whatever they want after an exchange of favours.

They are here not to enjoy but to make as much as they can because what they are doing is illegal by law and they risk going to jail if caught .

They come here on a social visit pass which does not allow them to work in this country. They go back and spread the good news and more China girls will follow in the 'El Dorado' trails.
The China Olympics which is now on in Beijing at this moment has shown the real and true qualities of the China women.

They have excelled in sporting competitions , in education, in business and soon to be in politics.

Of the 27 gold medals that China has bagged so far, 17 were won by China's women athletes.

Since 1949, the government of People's Republic of China has actively promoted the social, economic and political roles of women in society.

While advancing progress in promoting equality among men and women, the efforts met resistance in a traditionally Confucian society of male superiority.

There is no doubt that the China men are more chauvinistic even until today. They expect their wife to be submissive to them and they want to lord over them.

It is like the coming off age of the China women into the 21st century and it is a great loss if they are neglected or sidelined. A country's greatness is it's human resources.

If a country does not give the opportunities to it's people than it will slip into the reverse gear like a certain country where it practices Apartheid policies favouring only a particular race causing the best brains to leave.

China is supposed to be a classless society under the communist system of government where everyone is supposed to be equal.

The Chinese burgeoning population growth forced the government to implement the harsh and cruel one child per family law.

Many of those families prefered a male child because of the Chinese culture and many baby girls were terminated after the results were known .

The China Olympics have pushed the China women to the fore and the world is taking notice of them now.

Women make up of 50 % of the population of most countries and to ignore them would be a peril.

Most of the workforce now consist of women . Go into any bank,office and factory and you will see almost 90% of them are of the fairer sex.

Soon, the females will rule the world in the not too distant future as the males retreat from the onslaught of their aggressive forays into the men's world.
Reference and thanks to;-,4136,173526,00.html?


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