Thursday, June 25, 2009

Having it all is even harder for the men ....

Women can have it all, career and family but what about the men ? We seldom hear about how the modern lifestyle have affected the men.Are the men able to cope with the extra workload ? Will they be torn between their careers and the children ?

With women working in greater numbers , who is left in charge of the children? The men are pushed more and more into playing the female gender roles like taking care of the children , house chores and cooking.The gender roles are no more distinct and has blurred.More and more men are now involved in the domestic routine and childcare responsibilities.

If you are a man with a working wife, you will be hard pressed to accommodate both work and family life in your schedule. You are expected to pull your weight in the family unlike your father or grandfather who never did those jobs in the house.You do not have a choice unless you are rich enough to hire maids to do those jobs.

The result is that modern men feel pulled in every direction. The women is able to multi task while the men are bewildered. A woman may spend 24/7 with the children but let the man have the child for 1 hour and he will go bonkers and quickly send a S.O.S to his wife.A man is not made like a woman .

The modern men will have to bring home the bacon while at the same time ensuring they're an intrinsic part of their children's lives.

For a man , career is very important . They are in a dilemma whether to stay at work late to protect their job, or rush home to do their share of childcare as their wife expects?

Before a man marries, he has two choices. To marry a working wife or a full time housewife? He will have to weigh the pro's and con's .

Reference and thanks to :-


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