Thursday, January 1, 2009

The car can be a death trap.

A car is no more a luxury but a necessity for many folks.In places where there are no public transportation, getting to another place can be a big problem if you do not have a car.

Having a car is like having wings and you can go anywhere you wish.The car can be a great help but it can also be a death trap .

You should not leave your children locked in your car for extended length of time under the hot sun . They can die from the high temperature generated by the hot sun as the car can be turned into an oven or if the air conditioning is on, the emission gas from the engine, carbon monoxide may seeped in through the cracks and holes in the car’s body compartments and those children will inhaled them and die.

They should wind down the window a bit so that fresh air can enter and any carbon monoxide can escape .

‘If it’s in direct sunlight, you can easily get temperatures of 130 or 140 degrees (60degC) in a car in 10 or 15 minutes,’

This single mother in Hanahan, South Carolina, left her two kids,1-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son in her car, parked on a street with a battery-powered fan, food and drinks.The sweltering heat was too high . When she reached her car,she found them unconscious.

Instead of taking them to the hospital , she took them home and later those kids died.The children would not have died if her babysitter was not sick on that day.This is such a calamity and our hearts goes out to her.

There have been many other cases where the victims are usually children who are left unattended in a car and the engine running or shut off.

Sometimes, they get off the car to buy something nearby with the engine running and the door unlocked and their car gets hijacked with the infant in it.

Life is precious. Take precautions and observe those safety measures to ensure that such incidents do not happen to your kids.
It is better to be safe than sorry.


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