In the past,in the Eastern society, the rich man could afford to have many mistresses and many women would not mind being his mistress because they enjoyed all the material things which was lavished on to them.
It was the passport to escape from poverty and whatever misgivings or inconveniences was worth the rewards. These girls married for money and not for love.
If you had a choice , would you prefer to be his wife or his mistress ?
Some woman do not have a choice or Hobson's choice as either they were tricked or cheated by the man or they allowed themselves to be maneuvered into this position. They loved the married man and could not give them up and settled down to be his mistress even though they knew it was not to their best advantage to be in that position.
With the turn of the century where women are liberated and emancipated, most of today's modern women are in the work force. Not all the women get to filled up those highly paid post and most women are employed at the lower levels with lesser pay. The pay may just be enough for them to survive or to support their families back home.
In the big cities , temptations are many and some of these girls are attracted to those bright lights and are slowly drawned to it.
Many of these young , highly educated girls are gainfully employed but many cannot achieve their aspirations of a better life just by their salaries alone or by their own hard labour.
They see others are enjoying a higher standards of life by making themselves available to those rich man or high flyer's who dined and wined them .Life seems so much easier when you can find a rich partner .
They maybe hesitant at first due to ethical and moral considerations but economic and the good life drowned out their resistance and so they too are attracted to that good life.
Some may not be other's mistress but become social escorts or provide some special services where they get rewarded handsomely for their services rendered.
They want a better life, to be able to afford nice beautiful and expensive clothes and accessories,be driven in those sleek sport cars or luxury cars,holidays dine in high class establishments and go partying in clubs .
This is a materialistic world. Nobody gives a damned how you make your money but people will admire your riches and your opulent lifestyles.